Danna Homan versus Chris Johnson


Been contacted by corporate; understand Danna does not feel CRM interviewing process was fair for CRM regional management job in Birmingham. Apparently her interviews with Chris Johnson, Greg Kick, and James Brenan were biased. Really?
Well if you think she is disappointed, what about Brenan, now he will have to really move to Nashville?
what a mess!

Lawson Lowry is moving to Birmingham to take leadership position at UAB. he will get it done, great CRM skills and is pro teaching cernters, like the ones he covers now.

I thought she was on the fast rise on the cv side? I was told that she decided to withdraw from the interview process early on, but not sure? Birmingham CRM is a cluster fuck so why would anyone want that job in the first place? They'll never be able to beat Medtronic or Boston with their shit bag.

Greg Kick? Jamie Brennan? Has anyone ever MET these goons? Give me a break. JB was fired then hired back as a last resort. GK is a bird face tool that has zero respect from his reps and customers. fucktards