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Dan Vasella makes some cash!!!


Once again, the pay package given Novartis chairman Dan Vasella is causing a ruckus. At the annual meeting yesterday in Basel, Switzerland, only 61 percent of shareholders backed the compensation plan, the first time remuneration was put to a vote. This is not considered a very good showing, however, and in fact, Dan and Novartis ceo Joe Jimenez were criticized for their salaries and because a chunk of their pay is not tied to long-term performance, The Wall Street Journal writes.
So what did Dan receive? According to the Novartis annual report, he earned about $8.5 million last year, including cash and stock. Separately, Dan also received a one-time retirement benefit worth $12.8 million. But Ethos, a shareholder activist organization, calculates he earned around $27 million. And Rudolf Meyer, who heads the Actares activist group, called Vasella’s retirement package “scandalous.” The ISS proxy advi


Why are you complaining? Didn't I give you all Blackberries!

You got a phone, I got 27 Million, that sounds fair to me.

Now get back to work while I fly the company jet to Italy for the weekend.

Love Dan xoxo