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Damn, It was Bush's fault after all.


Conservatards love to say the "stimulus" failed. Here is a lengthy analysis of the success and failure of the program. Many will agree, and of course, some will vehemently disagree based on their own ideology, but one fact is incontrovertible and irrefutable. Bush and his gang of idiots virtually destroyed the economy of this country by his stupid tax cuts and not funding most of the necessary social infrastructure, not to mention the physical infrastructure. Bush left this country in a giant shit hole. Obama failed to see just how big that shit hole was.
This country must never ever elect a conservatard as president again. Remember, shrub Bush claimed he earned and MBA and understood the "free market" economy for prosperity and growth.
So much for that lie.


Your claim that tax cuts caused the economic collapse shows your incredible ignorance on the subject. You have zero grasp of tax policy and even less understanding of the cause of the financial crisis. There is no wonder you are an obama follower because you don't know enough to question.

Your article is also sheer ignorance. So now it is the Bush administration's fault for how the stimulus, controlled entirely by a dem house, dem senate, and dem president was mismanaged, poorly designed, and poorly executed. But surely it would ahve been much better if there was just even more money poured into the black hole of stimulus.
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Your claim that tax cuts caused the economic collapse shows your incredible ignorance on the subject. You have zero grasp of tax policy and even less understanding of the cause of the financial crisis. There is no wonder you are an obama follower because you don't know enough to question.

Your article is also sheer ignorance. So now it is the Bush administration's fault for how the stimulus, controlled entirely by a dem house, dem senate, and dem president was mismanaged, poorly designed, and poorly executed. But surely it would ahve been much better if there was just even more money poured into the black hole of stimulus.

If Libruhls keep blaming Bush for the recession, than we are going to have to blame them for 9.11.

I wonder if that is a trade they would be willing to make?