Daily tracking via Motus?


How many miles a day will you be driving? Can you manage the maintenance on a vehicle driven that much? Do you care what you drive?
If it's a large geography with a lot of mileage, lots of maintenance and with the cost of gas today, Let the company pay for it all.
If you really need an ego car then get your own and pay the bills.

Company car all day. Let them pay for maintenance costs and depreciation. There has never been a worse time to buy a car. Average cost is 5-15% above MSRP. They won't tell you that till you sit down and begin the buying process.

With your own car you'll burn through your manufacturer warranties and start replacing tires all on your own dime.

I've done both and the worst decision I ever made was using my own car. Sure, it's nice to have something you want and picked out yourself. But using it for work absolutely sucks.

Company car all day. Let them pay for maintenance costs and depreciation. There has never been a worse time to buy a car. Average cost is 5-15% above MSRP. They won't tell you that till you sit down and begin the buying process.

With your own car you'll burn through your manufacturer warranties and start replacing tires all on your own dime.

I've done both and the worst decision I ever made was using my own car. Sure, it's nice to have something you want and picked out yourself. But using it for work absolutely sucks.

Agree completely. I’ve had a company car for 23 years.
Just sit down and run the numbers….price of car plus interest on loan, depreciation, GAS, maintenance, insurance, etc, and multiply that number by 5,10, 20 years. That number
could be put into savings, investments, college funds for kids, etc. Don’t be a sap…..opt for the company car and let the company foot the bill.

Did they increase the max msrp limit were allowed to buy yet or change the model year retention limit?

absolutely hate the Altima. Looks nice enough but it’s the most uncomfortable drive and I’ve had so many breakdowns.

Did they increase the max msrp limit were allowed to buy yet or change the model year retention limit?

absolutely hate the Altima. Looks nice enough but it’s the most uncomfortable drive and I’ve had so many breakdowns.

I have had so many breakdowns (mental), in the Altima, that I can't handle another one

Agree completely. I’ve had a company car for 23 years.
Just sit down and run the numbers….price of car plus interest on loan, depreciation, GAS, maintenance, insurance, etc, and multiply that number by 5,10, 20 years. That number
could be put into savings, investments, college funds for kids, etc. Don’t be a sap…..opt for the company car and let the company foot the bill.
The Motus reimbursement is pretty solid- I did it for five years- did fine financially as I bought used CPO cars-But yes right now is lousy time for buying new or used-so if money is tight by all means do the company car-I really enjoyed having my own car that was considerably more comfortable etc. But, there are many potential pitfalls including repairs etc. Also, territory can change; knew a person who bought a new car, then territory expanded and annual mileage went from 25 to about 50k. They also had an accident and had to pay for rental car for about a month. Shit happens, cars are an expense period.

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