she keeps taking them down, doesn't change the fact lady you suck .
She does suck and is worthless piece of crap. Ride along with her is a joke as she shows up late, leaves early, and contributes no ideas of drugs knowledge. Real shame she represents my female colleagues. Useless like sooooooo mannnnyyyy oothhherrs at NOVARTIS! Novartis will NEVER be number 1.
everyone knows that exbuyogen reps don't do shit but complain, get the hell out of here already and don't let the door hit your fucking egos.
Heard a rumor Dag is on the way out. Explains why there is zero communication from her outside of EH. Don't think she's going to find a soft place to land internally if you know what I mean. Epstein is getting rid of the clutter on the PEC. Hope it works! MS BU needs a kick start!