D&R layoffs--Does anyone know the real story


So what is the real story about the D&R layoffs. How many in Rochester were laid off? Did they hit mainly the Vision Care Division or did Pharma get hit too.

Mainly focused on what criteria. Education, years service, Vision Care vs. Surgical vs. Pharma, Managament vs. employee, female vs. male.

Any underlying themes that may transfer into the next round of layoffs next year?

So what is the real story about the D&R layoffs. How many in Rochester were laid off? Did they hit mainly the Vision Care Division or did Pharma get hit too.

Mainly focused on what criteria. Education, years service, Vision Care vs. Surgical vs. Pharma, Managament vs. employee, female vs. male.

Any underlying themes that may transfer into the next round of layoffs next year?

There is an easy way to figure this out. How many PhDs were laid off? If the answer is zero then the layoffs were education based. If there were a number of PhDs that got laid off look at their affiliations. If the majority of PhDs laid off were from a particular division or department that will give you the formula for the layoffs. All of the other employees are then evaluated under the same criteria the PhDs were evaluated under and it will explain their layoffs as well. That is how R&D layoff formulas are used and applied.

The layoffs were not so bad. A lot less than originally projected. Some change in report structure but pretty much not much has changed. Maybe a little bit more work as regrettably some of our colleagues were let go and we have to pick up their work.

No pattern to suggest downsizing to the Valeant model. Cuts not as bad as expected. Research resources and groups of subject matter experts eliminated. No elimination of duplicate roles or overlap in management. Evidence suggests that management layers have been pushed downwards at the expense of technical resources.

The matrix structure is still in place to expand again when Valeant are distracted or sell the division.

The matrix structure is still in place to expand again when Valeant are distracted or sell the division.[/QUOTE]

I can still see a lot of matrix too from my vantage point. That whole matrix reporting nonsense is what slowed B&L down for so many years on their speed to market. Got to lose the matrix and get regulatory and quality whipped into shape so they play nice with marketing and R&D and get some profitable products actually out to the world - not theoretical concepts in a CAD model.

Rehiring????? Are you joking! There will be no rehiring..... It will be bare bones.
This thread is about the poker game of Valeants intentions and B+L culture.
Valeant have an agenda. B+L management have their own. Its easier to hide in the matrix.

It may become tricky to cloud the same matrix now that technical resources have been stripped. Has somebody overplayed their hand ? Somebody is gambling on the future of Valeants intentions and maybe knows something we don't - and you will not see it on this forum.

Looking for D&R to rise again. We are a little down but not out. Most of the management survived to thrive again when rehiring begins.

idiot. nearly all of the management, including all of the project managers and "OPA" survived (er, excuse me, I mean the "Senior Technical People") and the cuts were by and large from the people who were actually doing the work. there is nothing left of development in rochester, it will take valeant probably 3 months to realize how the wool has been pulled over their eyes and when they do they will just close it down.

This thread is about the poker game of Valeants intentions and B+L culture.
Valeant have an agenda. B+L management have their own. Its easier to hide in the matrix.

It may become tricky to cloud the same matrix now that technical resources have been stripped. Has somebody overplayed their hand ? Somebody is gambling on the future of Valeants intentions and maybe knows something we don't - and you will not see it on this forum.

you are right. The real reason for the layoffs and the real future of Valeants plans are hidden and may be very different than what everyone thinks it is. The Development only, may just be a smoke screen to justify the current layoffs.

Grobe is a stooge and so is Baldo. We have a saying for Baldo in Rochester,
he doesn't know his ass from his hands. He is actually useless to the point
where he is literally being kept as someone who will keep
firing people.
Grobe is even worst. He is used to kissing arses and loves it.
Have fun with these two morons.

b&L sniffing paint

Exactly, look what happened at medicis and now Dow, there is an initial wave of lay offs and when they dig in more to understand the pipeline and resources they will get rid of most if not all of the head count. No one left at medicis and anyone sniffing paint at Dow who thinks they will actually continue R&D is delusional, they just keep handing out the koolaid so the Skelton crew left wont leave before the clients are wound down and the toe nail fungus cmc issues are resolved and the product is approved.

Re: b&L sniffing paint

Exactly, look what happened at medicis and now Dow, there is an initial wave of lay offs and when they dig in more to understand the pipeline and resources they will get rid of most if not all of the head count. No one left at medicis and anyone sniffing paint at Dow who thinks they will actually continue R&D is delusional, they just keep handing out the koolaid so the Skelton crew left wont leave before the clients are wound down and the toe nail fungus cmc issues are resolved and the product is approved.

Please keep the toe nail fungus research separate from our contact lens solutions .B+L has had feedback from customers in the last few years that suggests fungus is not something our customers want in our products. By the way if you have a cure for fungus, please let us know. We will add it to all our products.