D&R as we know it is gone. Maybe a D if we are lucky


The D&R as we know it is gone. How much time do we have left? Probably not very much at all. There has been a lot of new hires in D&R in Rochester in the last 5 years. High salaries for jobs that do not require people with advanced degrees. It is certain that if you are a new hire with an advanced degree placed in a job that you are overqualified for that your job will be scrutinized.

Directors and Managers that are not at the top of the performance list will be looked at closely as well. Valeant may want to layoff and then bring in new talent in certain areas with people that are more aligned to their R&D business philosophy which is very different than the one currently at B+L.

If you work in development, have many years experience, are not overpaid and have an educational background that does not make you overqualified for the current position might survive as Development and Product Quality/Support is needed at every company regardless of the companies R&D philosophy.

Whole departments, project teams, or the entire R&D may be targeted. I am sure they will give you at least a month in order to drain some information out of you before they let you go.

Face it...Rochester has had too many overpaid overtitled underachievers for toooo long !! The biggest change in 5 years was putting the D in front of the R. Trick worked. Valeant bought it. Lets see how many products in the pipeline turn out to be a pipedream or in a very long pipe. I wonder if the Office of Product Acceleration can bluff the mean machine called Valeant ? (OPA = layer of cronies & spectators saved from the last round of spans and layers) Lets get out of the Matrix !! more accountability and a single line of command.

The D&R as we know it is gone. How much time do we have left? Probably not very much at all. There has been a lot of new hires in D&R in Rochester in the last 5 years. High salaries for jobs that do not require people with advanced degrees. It is certain that if you are a new hire with an advanced degree placed in a job that you are overqualified for that your job will be scrutinized.

Directors and Managers that are not at the top of the performance list will be looked at closely as well. Valeant may want to layoff and then bring in new talent in certain areas with people that are more aligned to their R&D business philosophy which is very different than the one currently at B+L.

If you work in development, have many years experience, are not overpaid and have an educational background that does not make you overqualified for the current position might survive as Development and Product Quality/Support is needed at every company regardless of the companies R&D philosophy.

"the matrix is all around you". CFO at valeant was very specific. The matrix is history. Valeant is A decentralized structure. Total accountability. straight line command. 4 to 1 reduction coming across all departments and management layers. Tons of mid management is toast globally.

Also add to this that D&R management has tried to buffer themselves from layoffs in their organization.

1. By flattening the organization. Eliminating the management titles and number of people that have direct reports they prop themselves up as the only ones that are capable of managing in D&R. In reality there are a lot of people in D&R that are capable of managing. The change in peoples titles to Non-management track titles is bullshit. Research track people can manage just as well as management track people. The list of people on each track was a decision of poor management(Directors, VPs) that no longer work for the company.

2. Over-hiring of overqualified people in the department for very specific job functions. By hiring overqualified people to fill jobs that could be filled at lower pay scale employees with less experience and degrees you assure that your competition for management jobs of their direct reports will never happen. The new employees are set up to fail because how can they justify that they are performing a high level when they are given objectives that are routine and low-profile. Management can then always give their competition low grades and therefore protect themselves from replacement from below.

A complete reorganization is needed in order for D&R to function efficiently. The whole organization is set up to protect the current managers from accountability as any failure is conveniently blamed on the over-hired, overqualified direct reports.

Change does not happen overnight at B+L. It remarkably resists any attempts at changing organization structure and cutbacks. If Valeant tries it will be like pulling a stubborn mule up a mountain.

It will no longer be B&L. It will be Valeant and you will be in for a rude awakening.

With this impending doom we are all taking a mental vacation until the new management takes over. There is no reason to bust our humps for managers that will be reassigned in a few months or work hard for a company that may lay us off in a few months.

Eat, Drink and be Merry for tomorrow we are owned by Valeant.

The D&R as we know it is gone. How much time do we have left? Probably not very much at all. There has been a lot of new hires in D&R in Rochester in the last 5 years. High salaries for jobs that do not require people with advanced degrees. It is certain that if you are a new hire with an advanced degree placed in a job that you are overqualified for that your job will be scrutinized.

Directors and Managers that are not at the top of the performance list will be looked at closely as well. Valeant may want to layoff and then bring in new talent in certain areas with people that are more aligned to their R&D business philosophy which is very different than the one currently at B+L.

If you work in development, have many years experience, are not overpaid and have an educational background that does not make you overqualified for the current position might survive as Development and Product Quality/Support is needed at every company regardless of the companies R&D philosophy.

I say good. That D&R thing always blew my mind. What's next...frequency and reach! BAM! Did that just blow your mind?

Right. A lot of "D&R" is really Product Support or extension that could be done at manufacturing sites with the right core group support and project management. You do not need the layers of D&R management that do not add value or have a real understanding of how things work. D&Rs problem is that it is isolated from the real world. It has created its own bueaucracy. Too many people out of touch and promoted to irrelevance. Valeant have their own model....they see the failings. D&R management will pay for years of under performance. Only question is when the ax falls.

The D&R as we know it is gone. How much time do we have left? Probably not very much at all. There has been a lot of new hires in D&R in Rochester in the last 5 years. High salaries for jobs that do not require people with advanced degrees. It is certain that if you are a new hire with an advanced degree placed in a job that you are overqualified for that your job will be scrutinized.

Directors and Managers that are not at the top of the performance list will be looked at closely as well. Valeant may want to layoff and then bring in new talent in certain areas with people that are more aligned to their R&D business philosophy which is very different than the one currently at B+L.

If you work in development, have many years experience, are not overpaid and have an educational background that does not make you overqualified for the current position might survive as Development and Product Quality/Support is needed at every company regardless of the companies R&D philosophy.

There will be no change in D&R. All the managers and directors will protect their position. D&R is the safest space for slackers in B&L. Valeant will be too scared to mess with the pipeline.

"You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to defend it"

D&R Director: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead...only try to realize the truth.
Valeant: What truth ?
D&R Director: There is no spoon.
Valeant: There is no spoon ?
D&R Director: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

THE MATRIX wins !!!!

At Valeant D&R = M&A. Get used to it.

Many people in D&R try to instill fear and uncertainty in each new management that comes in by creating issues that do not exist. They make bogus arguments about how some issue could impact sales in a big way and that is how they maintain the unchanging Mid-management and culture of D&R.

D&R Mid-management feeds off the ignorance of each new upper management team that comes in because each new management comes from backgrounds that have nothing to do with ophthalmology/optometry and are quite gullible.

Many people in D&R try to instill fear and uncertainty in each new management that comes in by creating issues that do not exist. They make bogus arguments about how some issue could impact sales in a big way and that is how they maintain the unchanging Mid-management and culture of D&R.

D&R Mid-management feeds off the ignorance of each new upper management team that comes in because each new management comes from backgrounds that have nothing to do with ophthalmology/optometry and are quite gullible.

You know it. We won't miss those folks. VRX will clean it up real nice.