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D.Manager told me cost cutting layoffs are coming


BS does what is best for the company...what has our R&D ever discovered?? We need to purchase molecules and increase the sales force. That’s how it is done.
Can I have whatever you’re smoking??? Trying hard not to laugh.
Let’s recap all the Support for us from BS
1. “The company is Not for Sale” 2 days before Actavis deal (FRX legacy)
2. “I love sales reps” townhall before August ‘15 layoffs (that one had a WARN)
3. “ We are not looking for A Merger
1 week before Pfizer-AGN merger announcement.
4. “Growth Pharma “ hahaha
Anyone else want to complement this list??? Seriously, $15 Billion is a LOT of money. No “molecule “ is going to backfill that hole. Get your head out of your ass (or most likely your direct manager/RD’s ass), Stop drinking the kool aid and wake the hell up! I’m kool, have a 1099 business on the side :)

BS Is one of Jim Cramer’s favorite premier biotechnology CEOs! People like Cramer understand the stock market and our business for that matter more than you. It is important that you trust BS will acquire the molecules that will keep us the Top Biotech Company in the business. You will not understand all he does but you WILL benefit. Just relax.

BS does what is best for the company...what has our R&D ever discovered?? We need to purchase molecules and increase the sales force. That’s how it is done.

What a ridiculous statement. Chances are someone you know and love had their life saved or,dramtically improved due to the work done in a pharmaceutical company R&D lab. Some people are so myopic....

I realize there are other ways to acquire molecules but come on.....

BS Is one of Jim Cramer’s favorite premier biotechnology CEOs! People like Cramer understand the stock market and our business for that matter more than you. It is important that you trust BS will acquire the molecules that will keep us the Top Biotech Company in the business. You will not understand all he does but you WILL benefit. Just relax.

A little hard to relax when your 401K is going to hell in a hand basket. The stock price just ke.eps getting worse and worse...

BS Is one of Jim Cramer’s favorite premier biotechnology CEOs! People like Cramer understand the stock market and our business for that matter more than you. It is important that you trust BS will acquire the molecules that will keep us the Top Biotech Company in the business. You will not understand all he does but you WILL benefit. Just relax.

You Sir have drank the Kool aid- Saunders doesnt have a clue what hes doing!

Our POA was useless and the RD and VP seemed less into the whole thing than ever before. I'm totally reading into it, but it fits with the general mood that is following the stock price into the toilet.

What a ridiculous statement. Chances are someone you know and love had their life saved or,dramtically improved due to the work done in a pharmaceutical company R&D lab. Some people are so myopic....

I realize there are other ways to acquire molecules but come on.....

BS knows Pharma...the R & D is still being done we just don’t foot the bill for all the losers that never make it!

Can I have whatever you’re smoking??? Trying hard not to laugh.
Let’s recap all the Support for us from BS
1. “The company is Not for Sale” 2 days before Actavis deal (FRX legacy)
2. “I love sales reps” townhall before August ‘15 layoffs (that one had a WARN)
3. “ We are not looking for A Merger
1 week before Pfizer-AGN merger announcement.
4. “Growth Pharma “ hahaha
Anyone else want to complement this list??? Seriously, $15 Billion is a LOT of money. No “molecule “ is going to backfill that hole. Get your head out of your ass (or most likely your direct manager/RD’s ass), Stop drinking the kool aid and wake the hell up! I’m kool, have a 1099 business on the side :)