

Well folks, today was the day! What a horrible way to play all of us. Congratulations to those who made the cut, good luck to those who didn't. It's very enlightening to see the people kept and the people they let go.

They basically kept all the low paid employess, regardless of talent/experience/awards/tenure, and that includes the 6 DM's retained as well! Sad Day!
Sad to see they kept people on the cheap, instead of talent! Geography wasn't even an issue in this mess! Good luck to all! Good luck Bill U, now you are the one to answer to New Dehli lol lol
You handled the Frenchies for about 2min at G. Lol

Actually they clearly have taken the best managers. My manager in the Midwest was a total joke and now she is gone. The lil leprechaun Steve S was a complete joke and looked really uncomfortable handling even a small group and small room. Also I know a lot of people that used to be a Galderma and BU always was the top sales director. Look what a mess galderma is now after he left. He will do some great things here and I already am impressed with my new manager. the previous managers on the green team ran everything into the ground. you sound like sour grapes and you are probably one of those green team clowns that just dropped off coupon cards and now wonder why you got cut.

Good luck. Maybe you will actually decide to work at your next job.

Spot on, we are lucky to have the management we have they clearly kept the best ones including Bill. He has forgotten more about the business then a lot of these guys/ We have a strong team and now we are onboard. I was tired of working my ass off on the steroid side watching the lazy green team goofs barely showing up in fact half my accounts had no idea who the absroica rep was in my territory. It tells you a lot. Also, Ashish and that clown marketing guy of his was a complete train wreck for the steroids. Glad I get a chance with Absorica we will kick ass with that product.

Ha! Now that funny. Talk about being a kiss ass to BU. Be prepared for him to ask you to do all his work for meetings and presentations. He will present it as a developmental opportunity for you as he turns it in as his own work. He is a great at delegating that's for sure. Everyone knows the blue team was way off their goals and that the green team was carrying the rest of you. If Bill was so great at Galderma, why was he shown the door. I'm not as optimistic about our new leadership as you are. The only good thing so far is Jesper is gone.

This place sucks. I'm glad I was retained for now but I can't wait to get out of here. And by the way they didn't keep the lowest paid people and they clearly didn't keep the most talented either. You have no idea what you are taking about. You must have been on the "let go call" and your bitter. Based on what I can see they didn't use any common sense on who was kept. I had a great manager on the Absorica side and now I'm reporting to a steroid manager. It's not a upgrade, I went from the A team to the B team and it's not an upgrade.

what everyone is missing is that that the highest level US based Sun employees themselves don't know what is going on. This is a home made bread box that big Pharma execs jumped into.

Sun Pharma with a couple brain washed new exec hires sold this is as a big Pharma long term grass roots project.

It's NOT. You should call this Shun Pharma

Sun has so much global money they can build a home made bread box and SUCK in former execs and say " call it whatever you want to fucking call it"

So in summary. Those of you bought out by Sun $. Shut up. You were absorbed.

Those of you brought over from InVentiv. You have a job with a no ties who cares about you company.

The problem you face now is if two layers above you isn't protected .....well then if tiu have cookie crumbs on your clothes or in your car. You are subject to execution.

Sun is a mafia wannabe drug firm. Either they get what they want. Or shut down and go in a different direction.

This was a "casting event " to see if they could price fluctuate or buy someone else's garbage and turn a profit.

Sun will always make money being a polyester generic firm. That's a given

All of the former real Pharma people here....you got some sucker fooled thinking about greener grass.

So you have the facts now. Stop moaning and use your time wisely.