D day at B+L - IPO by end of the year


The WSJ has indicated IPO likely by end of the year. WP wants out and all the rumors of Merck and now IPO by the WSJ shows that it is time to go.

Sell on the promise.

Get out before the real numbers come in.

Smart for WP to start looking for the exits before the end of the year.

I like the source identified in the article "people familiar with the company's thinking"
these people could be:

1. The janitors that the management talks to during their late hours spent in the office.

2. Management's massage therapists.

3. The company barber

4. The CEO's administrative assistant who keeps her ear to the door during important meetings

5. The couple that overheard the CEO at a 5 star restaurant

unlike FB IPO, there will only be one buyer this time... Have to move you to the public side and now that you are packaged with the ISTA products, it will be a smoother acquisition

"people familiar with the company's thinking"

From the WSJ article is probably the CEO himself.

It is just like coming out with a new iPad. 6 months before the launch there is a teaser.

This is the teaser to get the Big Pharma companies interested and ready to act.

Now it is a game of chicken to see who blinks first as it goes to IPO. Big Pharma would get a discount if they buy it before it hits the open market.

If WP loses this game of chicken they will likely lose big money if it goes all the way to the IPO.

"people familiar with the company's thinking"

From the WSJ article is probably the CEO himself.

It is just like coming out with a new iPad. 6 months before the launch there is a teaser.

This is the teaser to get the Big Pharma companies interested and ready to act.

Now it is a game of chicken to see who blinks first as it goes to IPO. Big Pharma would get a discount if they buy it before it hits the open market.

If WP loses this game of chicken they will likely lose big money if it goes all the way to the IPO.

B+L clearly planted this story at the WSJ. When billions of dollars are on the line you can not trust anyone even the WSJ.

B+L clearly planted this story at the WSJ. When billions of dollars are on the line you can not trust anyone even the WSJ.

The really weak source information given by the WSJ is surprising. You would think that they would at least wait to call the CEO and get some feedback from him prior to running the story so it would look like WSJ is not just reporting on rumors.

I think you are right it looks like a teaser infomercial for B+L.

People have been posting on this board since 2010 that the IPO was coming. It's actually moving slower than they had originally wanted. B+L was always rumored to be in the mode of acquiring and creating a package deal. Now that ISTA is in, the next phase is IPO.