CV reps’ future


OK, what do you guys predict on the future of the CV salesforce?

They announced pelicarsen for 2025. Early? Late?

Will CV1 and CV2 have Leqvio and new drug? When does CV2 stop promoting Entresto? Will they downsize to just one rep per territory (plus ISS), etc?

Thoughts, insights, intuitions…


Pelacarsaen is a more “rare” disease sell so I highly doubt that the majority of the sales force will have it. I think it will be a special sales force. Maybe less than 200 reps across US

Who care what happens to CV. Novartis is horrible. I am just waiting for a big severance package to cash in and leave. I quit caring if Novartis doesn't care and wants to rip us off our bonuses. Then I don't care either. Do a couple lunches, drop off a few sample, and send out a few RTE call it a week.

Respect your thoughts. I may disagree that it’s rare. 1 in 5 has elevated Lp(a)….

1 in 5?
That is as useless a stat as I have ever seen.
1 in 5 of whom? What age group? Gender? Race? Comorbidities? Genetic background?
Do you understand how many clinics test for it and how? And how often? And what specialties?
My lord, you are Novartis in a nutshell.
Apply a P.C.P. sales mentality to a truly specialized compound.
You must work in Leqvio marketing.

Respect your thoughts. I may disagree that it’s rare. 1 in 5 has elevated Lp(a)….

Some additional math - 50% of C.V. reps would believe the sun rises in the west if their manager told them it did.
Another 25% would buy it if marketing made a leave behind saying it was true.
It's like some of you are incapable of learning. I can't believe the Leqvio fiasco hasn't finally knocked the scales off your eyes.

I predict layoffs due to Entresto going generic, then the remaining salespeople will promote Leqvio and possibly Pelacarsen. If Pelacarsen isn’t in the cards for the remaining CV salespeople, then possibly further reductions coupled with larger Leqvio territories.

I predict layoffs due to Entresto going generic, then the remaining salespeople will promote Leqvio and possibly Pelacarsen. If Pelacarsen isn’t in the cards for the remaining CV salespeople, then possibly further reductions coupled with larger Leqvio territories.
Way to go out on a limb with this prediction. Will the sun also rise tomorrow?

Very few new products in Cardiology in Big Pharma anymore, not much on the way either. Novartis, BMS, Amgen, Pfizer, AZ, J&J will all have to figure this out. If your company is not purchasing rare disease Cardiology products (companies) and pipeline looks week get ready for layoffs or please get out and do something else until the dust settles after IRA.