CV Renal Layoff Fallout


AZ's annual bloodletting. This time it's CV & Renal's turn in the crosshairs.

Unfortunate but that's the pharma reality and we all know it.

How bad is it turning out to be?

And what kind of spin are they weaving as to plans for the survivors going forward?


400 people gone.
Long Term Care gone.
Hospital gone.

They've taken once productive people and put them in PODS. Reps can choose to do the hard work of hospital sales or long term care. Or reps can stay off a radar, get their 8 sampled calls a day and go home with a pay check.

It only took them 2 years to ruin a good thing.

AZ's annual bloodletting. This time it's CV & Renal's turn in the crosshairs.

Unfortunate but that's the pharma reality and we all know it.

How bad is it turning out to be?

And what kind of spin are they weaving as to plans for the survivors going forward?