Customer Enragement Model


It's getting harder everyday to determine whose most frustrated at BI, sales force or our customers?

Reps will always need work but will doctors always need our 3rd to market alternatives or non-hospital respiratory franchise. The 4th DPP4 went generic already, and GSK reps were handed our legacy


It's getting harder everyday to determine whose most frustrated at BI, sales force or our customers?

Reps will always need work but will doctors always need our 3rd to market alternatives or non-hospital respiratory franchise. The 4th DPP4 went generic already, and GSK reps were handed our legacy
Yes they were. Thought selling bleedaxa was bad till Stiolto came out. I feel drained and disoriented after seeing this company get its ass so thoroughly whooped by the big boys. It isn't even a fair fight at this point. Bring on Ashfield. I just don't care anymore

The blame doesn't fall on the reps, DMs, or RDs...the fault is on the deaf and incompetent people that BI continues to hire on the marketing team and branding leadership! These are people who believe that all patients with COPD ONLY have COPD or that all diabetic patients should be on a DPP4/SGLT2 combo. They do not listen to what the customers have to say or to what the SAE, CSC, and HSE teams reported to them from the field. They think that what they hear from the advisory boards is gospel! Many times, I have heard their condescending remarks to doctors when they are asked questions...these people believe that they are doctors themselves. I've had some institutions ask me to never bring back some of the branding team members, because of the way the spoke to the doctors and because they are so phony.

The bigger companies have invested a lot of money in listening to all of their customers, maybe it's time that BI did the same.

The blame doesn't fall on the reps, DMs, or RDs...the fault is on the deaf and incompetent people that BI continues to hire on the marketing team and branding leadership! These are people who believe that all patients with COPD ONLY have COPD or that all diabetic patients should be on a DPP4/SGLT2 combo. They do not listen to what the customers have to say or to what the SAE, CSC, and HSE teams reported to them from the field. They think that what they hear from the advisory boards is gospel! Many times, I have heard their condescending remarks to doctors when they are asked questions...these people believe that they are doctors themselves. I've had some institutions ask me to never bring back some of the branding team members, because of the way the spoke to the doctors and because they are so phony.

The bigger companies have invested a lot of money in listening to all of their customers, maybe it's time that BI did the same.

Holy god +1 +1 +1.

The blame doesn't fall on the reps, DMs, or RDs...the fault is on the deaf and incompetent people that BI continues to hire on the marketing team and branding leadership! These are people who believe that all patients with COPD ONLY have COPD or that all diabetic patients should be on a DPP4/SGLT2 combo. They do not listen to what the customers have to say or to what the SAE, CSC, and HSE teams reported to them from the field. They think that what they hear from the advisory boards is gospel! Many times, I have heard their condescending remarks to doctors when they are asked questions...these people believe that they are doctors themselves. I've had some institutions ask me to never bring back some of the branding team members, because of the way the spoke to the doctors and because they are so phony.

The bigger companies have invested a lot of money in listening to all of their customers, maybe it's time that BI did the same.

my friend who is a glaxo rep said something similar to me about bi, i guess other companies see that about bi as well...

my friend who is a glaxo rep said something similar to me about bi, i guess other companies see that about bi as well...

Every customer I see: When there's a triple COPD therapy out, I'm going to use that for 90% of the patients that walk through the door. Literally almost every patient will go on triple therapy.

Andreas Barner: We have no plans to develop a triple.

Sigh, why do I even bother.

Don't worry when you are calling on just 1 health system every customer will drop what they are doing and listen to you. You are a valued member of the company and we really want you to stay. There is no way we will scrap the health care business model even though every other company that has tried this before has abandoned the idea because customers don't care about singular focus.
-Signed, BI management