Customer Engagement Specialists


S2Ss are completely bogus. HCPs don’t have time to engage virtually now that Covid is over and they are back to seeing their patients in person. The fact that BI would create a sales force specifically designated to S2Ss is completely ridiculous.

YL is living in his own dream world....MCE....BI you take your fucking MCE and shove it up your ass. If I could find another position for the amount of time I have left....I'd leave in a second....I hope the entire sales force does some silent quitting....Everyone should do the bear minimum and just keep putting in those fake S2S, VAE's and Virtual Spoke programs that no one listens too and just another way to pay our speakers. I want this entire nightmare of a company to meet a catastrophic demise.

No way in hell am I helping these CES dip shits complete their S2S metrics! They accepted those ridiculous positions so they can figure it out on their own. The end game is to have them replace us anyway. Fuck the CES