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Curious if the people here feel there really is a 'Deep State' is some way/shape/form


Say what you want about POTUS(and there's certainly a lot of fodder to opine about), but I have to admit that, on some level, I do believe the 'business of Government' 'Deep State' or whatever you want to call it does exist in some form.

I don't believe there's a smoky Boardroom somewhere where guys are twisting their mustaches, hatching up new plans to get richer off of Gov't - but I do think that there is a dedicated effort of "some" group that is vested in keeping the incestuous relationship between the inner beltway/K-street/something else going, at any cost.

help me define this...

I had a family member work for a Congressman for 10 years(Bush43 thru Obama). She was a smart, intelligent 20-something from the Northeast.

You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned K Street. Once idealistic people get to DC, the apparatus overcomes you after a certain period of time, and the focus becomes more about your personal future as opposed to the betterment of the country.

Term limits are a much needed thing, but there is absolutely zero chance any sitting Congressman/Senator will vote for that.

Say what you want about POTUS(and there's certainly a lot of fodder to opine about), but I have to admit that, on some level, I do believe the 'business of Government' 'Deep State' or whatever you want to call it does exist in some form.

I don't believe there's a smoky Boardroom somewhere where guys are twisting their mustaches, hatching up new plans to get richer off of Gov't - but I do think that there is a dedicated effort of "some" group that is vested in keeping the incestuous relationship between the inner beltway/K-street/something else going, at any cost.

help me define this...
There are a group of patriots who see through Putin’s puppet. Let’s hope they stop him before he and his crazy lunatics take over. We have laws in this country and institutions to uphold them. We don’t want two bit dictators who worship people like Putin and Erdogan to take over here. Read some history-it could happen. If that is deep state I’ll take it. Without deep state I think this country moves to chaos. My humble opinion but you are entitled to yours

There are a group of patriots who see through Putin’s puppet. Let’s hope they stop him before he and his crazy lunatics take over. We have laws in this country and institutions to uphold them. We don’t want two bit dictators who worship people like Putin and Erdogan to take over here. Read some history-it could happen. If that is deep state I’ll take it. Without deep state I think this country moves to chaos. My humble opinion but you are entitled to yours

This is true. Congress can actually handcuff an errant leader. I will take the deep state too over the chaos we are entering. Trump may mean well but he has no idea of international finance. He is a NY real estate guy. Making us into an island empire with a big mercenary military is not the way to go.

There are a group of patriots who see through Putin’s puppet. Let’s hope they stop him before he and his crazy lunatics take over. We have laws in this country and institutions to uphold them. We don’t want two bit dictators who worship people like Putin and Erdogan to take over here. Read some history-it could happen. If that is deep state I’ll take it. Without deep state I think this country moves to chaos. My humble opinion but you are entitled to yours

The true deep state is the one working against T. He represents patriotism and nationalism; the globalists are the ones we need to watch and fear.
The swamp is deeper and wider than T and anyone else ever fathomed. T is the good guy here.
This country and the entire world has been in chaos for a long time before T ever thought of running, much less won. The press just ignored it or, as now, just doesn’t report the truth.

There are a group of patriots who see through Putin’s puppet. Let’s hope they stop him before he and his crazy lunatics take over. We have laws in this country and institutions to uphold them. We don’t want two bit dictators who worship people like Putin and Erdogan to take over here. Read some history-it could happen. If that is deep state I’ll take it. Without deep state I think this country moves to chaos. My humble opinion but you are entitled to yours

And whom are they? Pelosi and Schumer? The Dem liberals/ socialists?
The FBI, DOJ, CIA..... protecting the Clinton’s at all costs?
I believe your are one of the nuts that allow the chaos to continue re: those who only want to “ get” T and to hell with the country.

I had a family member work for a Congressman for 10 years(Bush43 thru Obama). She was a smart, intelligent 20-something from the Northeast.

You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned K Street. Once idealistic people get to DC, the apparatus overcomes you after a certain period of time, and the focus becomes more about your personal future as opposed to the betterment of the country.

Term limits are a much needed thing, but there is absolutely zero chance any sitting Congressman/Senator will vote for that.

Only way that will happen is if there is a convention of states which is sorely needed. The government is way too big and needs to be defunded significantly and returned to constitutional boundaries. Especially the judiciary which constitutionally gets to render opinions but doesn’t have the last say about anything constitutionally. It gets to settle disputes between the parties brought before it and render opinions which legislatures and executives are free to consider and then follow or ignore!

Only way that will happen is if there is a convention of states which is sorely needed. The government is way too big and needs to be defunded significantly and returned to constitutional boundaries. Especially the judiciary which constitutionally gets to render opinions but doesn’t have the last say about anything constitutionally. It gets to settle disputes between the parties brought before it and render opinions which legislatures and executives are free to consider and then follow or ignore!

Garble, garble, garble.