Why does Intuitive not like celebrating accomplishments or providing accolades?
Why does Intuitive not like celebrating accomplishments or providing accolades?
DUH....How would we find time to role play. Could you imagine if we were not a monopoly? This place would be empty. Our customers hate us. Most of the employees just put up with the constant BS for a few dollars. Now the stock options are worthless it paints a different picture.
Ditto...Just ask the customers what they think of the company. Since I have been here, there have been 14 robots sold on my team. Everyone of the hospitals that purchased the robot despises our company and the tactics used to drive the robot down their throats.
This creates animosity from everyone. I actually work here and hope we get kicked in the balls. We deserve it.. Now that's really sad, We say we are high in development its not development its micromanagement. Is it really necessary to spend an hour on the phone on Monday to tell my manager what exactly I am going to do every hour of every day this week? Then hop on a team call Thursday just because everyone else is doing it. I have been here 3 years. My stock options are worth zero.
I have observed hundreds of robotic gyn cases. I am not convinced as a whole robotic surgery is that much better for the patients than traditional vaginal or lap surgery. If you took into account every open surgery salvaged by the robot and compared it to every robotic surgery that could have been done vaginally or lap. The cost increases are astronomical. The clinical data is not strong enough to overcome this. I am not afraid to say this because everyone who works here is thinking it. Grind it out as long as you can then get out with strong clinical knowledge and move on with your career.
Spot-on. However, it must be asked....why did it take so long for you to figure it out? We know - Money, money, This is an old story, and everyone knows there is no patient benefit in GYN and choly's (LOL on that one for sure), but until their is a sit-down laparoscopy option developed and mastered, the BS justification of better visualization, wristed arms, etc will continued to be spewed by non-skilled lazy docs. It's all about the chair dummy. Nothing to do with anything else but the chair. Give skilled surgeons a chair, and lap will make a resurgence. Notice I said skilled because the non-skilled will be exposed once again, and they will hide behind the veil of BS justification. Soon though, the non-skilled will be exposed by their cost per procedure versus their skilled peers. I'm longing for the day when healthcare administrators wake the F@&K UP!