Culture Shock

Here's one: When asked to participate in ideas for doing things, the stock answer is " We don't do it that way here".

You are to give your ideas to your manager so that he can present them as his ideas. You are then given metrics to implement your own idea framed as you managers new initiative. Ultimately you could get fired for low metrics on implementing the idea.

You are to give your ideas to your manager so that he can present them as his ideas. You are then given metrics to implement your own idea framed as you managers new initiative. Ultimately you could get fired for low metrics on implementing the idea.

LOL! It's no wonder that B&L market share is so low on almost every product. It has exposed itself as the typical Big Pharma company. No one is allowed to be creative, to find his or her own way to get business. It has to "conform" to the company metric. If you stray, then there's hell to pay. Individual initiative has died in this company. It ws evident within the first day of the meeting. It was a real eye opener to say the least.

You are to give your ideas to your manager so that he can present them as his ideas. You are then given metrics to implement your own idea framed as you managers new initiative. Ultimately you could get fired for low metrics on implementing the idea.

That is hilarious and so true. Hell, our dm's boss has got him running like a scared little puppy dog. He is so afraid of her he walks around paranoid at every move his reps make or don't make. Really, dude it's 2012, grow some balls!

B+L did not always have the big pharma mentality. They used to be a small group of (mostly) great reps and managers doing what they could to get the business. Where are those people now? They were fired when Perry, KK, and their friends got the nod from Warburg. They did not want entrepreneurs anymore- they needed conformists. They got rid of the top level execs down to the managers and reps. Since then it's been a disappointing environment that reeks of the little kid on the playground trying to act like a bigger kid. They want to play with the big boys, but are still small and weak. That's why B+L gets kicked around so much without any respect. The company will be sold off soon enough leaving most of us scrambling for any decent paying gig. This really was once a great company to work for. Now it's just a relationship gone abusive.

B+L did not always have the big pharma mentality. They used to be a small group of (mostly) great reps and managers doing what they could to get the business. Where are those people now? They were fired when Perry, KK, and their friends got the nod from Warburg. They did not want entrepreneurs anymore- they needed conformists. They got rid of the top level execs down to the managers and reps. Since then it's been a disappointing environment that reeks of the little kid on the playground trying to act like a bigger kid. They want to play with the big boys, but are still small and weak. That's why B+L gets kicked around so much without any respect. The company will be sold off soon enough leaving most of us scrambling for any decent paying gig. This really was once a great company to work for. Now it's just a relationship gone abusive.

I hate to say this but very well put. Many of those key execs and department leads actually went to competition leading the charge in the demise of the market leader B+L once was. Given this is only a lens/vision care perspective it has been a seems to be one miss guided step after another. The current word is that they "volentary", pulled all the HD labling material including rebates. Not a suprise since there is not FDA standard to HD in contact lens. The sad part is that they did this without an new preprinted material in place leaving offices without the rebates that drive lens sales for weeks on end. Fortunatly they did have the insight to not put the HD on any lens boxes.

Actually ISTAs culture was to think for yourself, not fall in line because some nitwit told you what to do. Look at the success of ISTA vs BL, it's not even close, ISTA beat Alcon and Allergan in catagories and BL never has, never will. The company structure is such that no one in any department knows what the guy in the next department is doing. It's a great place to hide out for 10 and never do anything and draw a paycheck. I'd love to see Vince Anido come in here and slap some of these dumbasses around and get rid of the red tape and waste.

Well it's f'ing annoying so cut it out!

If you think that is annoying wait until you see how ISTA folks do conference calls. That's a laugh. 200 people and one person makes a comment about Hurricane Isaac and then 50 other people will have to voice their opinion and the reason for the conference call gets burried in the B.S. LOL.

ISTA culture is about achievement and the success of the individual. B+L culture is about metrics and the group think of a culture gone bad.

As the two cultures clash the superiority of the ISTA culture to the B+L culture will lead to its ultimate adoption and integration into the new way of working and achieving at B+L.

ISTA culture is about achievement and the success of the individual. B+L culture is about metrics and the group think of a culture gone bad.

As the two cultures clash the superiority of the ISTA culture to the B+L culture will lead to its ultimate adoption and integration into the new way of working and achieving at B+L.

Wow - you must be young or simply inexperienced... Cultures never get "pulled up" to a higher level - they get sucked down to the lower one...