Culture is THE WORST


HR protects the baseless, inept, incapable, and egregiously abusive managers who have learned from their even more abusive managers how to steal the credit, do very little, but play the political game well. Backstabbings, Lies, Lack of transparency, Trickery -- it's all fair game at S&N! HR must fear for their own positions! HR does owe it's allegiance to the company but that is not always the higher up! The culture at this company is awful!

it goes hand in hand, no? If you have incompetent leaders feeling threatened by young, energetic talent, then you spiral that down to a crappy company with crappy products. You are forced to fit into the mold of the culture there or bust! Not conducive to need a real shake-up!!!

Its better days are behind them and yes their market share will continue to recede. Your choice is to complain and do nothing or move into a better situation that you are happy with.

People don't leave companies, they leave managers. In my decade of service, I've seen many good reps leave not because of the product, or loss of interest in their surgeon, but as a result of poor treatment from their immediate District Manager or Ditrector of Sales. And you wonder why we have a difficult time of recruiting talent? You can stick 6% up your orange and white ass.

People don't leave companies, they leave managers. In my decade of service, I've seen many good reps leave not because of the product, or loss of interest in their surgeon, but as a result of poor treatment from their immediate District Manager or Ditrector of Sales. And you wonder why we have a difficult time of recruiting talent? You can stick 6% up your orange and white ass.

Fosters feelings are hurt!

People don't leave companies, they leave managers. In my decade of service, I've seen many good reps leave not because of the product, or loss of interest in their surgeon, but as a result of poor treatment from their immediate District Manager or Ditrector of Sales. And you wonder why we have a difficult time of recruiting talent? You can stick 6% up your orange and white ass.

Poor treatment kills talent. Have a little "one on one" time to keep them happy. It has worked wonders for JV and DC. We should all try it.

Absolutely, Frazzette, the Goodman twins (Jim and Jerry), Usen, and Haydock - wow what dream team. More like a nightmare!

Don't forget the French pharma guy with big hair and his preoccupation with pulling up stakes in the US to focus on the 3rd world. Lots of people there but unfortunately no money. Meanwhile US business is hemorrhaging. What a great strategy. No wonder headcount and expenses are being slashed. We resemble a company going out of business.

Why is it that no ones asks why the Endo people were put over ortho? What went wrong 3 years ago?

How much money has been lost over the last 3 years? what if something different would have happened 3 years ago, would there have been growth or more growth?

let's just find the floor, i want to see a billion dollar company hit rock bottom.

Being an 1099 Endo Moron it is sad to see how this company operates! We have 5 different divisions who all work independent of each other. This company could be run so much better if it had some kind of long term plan for success, instead all I see is dealing with the here and now. They can't even figure out how to get people within their own company to work together.

EM/IM is in the way out. Huge mistake! Why make things for people with no money?? Idiots!!!

Because that courts the money of short sighted investors, which drives the bonuses of our self-centered, greedy C-levels. Long term strategies for true success will never get traction as long as their focus is that narrow and short-sighted.