Culture Clash

It is a carrot that every shitty company dangles in reps face too try and keep people from looking for jobs.
Just pay everyone a little more and that would solve the problem.

Totally agree, if the entire district does bad there is defiantly a problem with goals. Make attainable and not company wishful thinking. Just be fair.

Company run by ex-Pat Canadian who believes in “income equality” for base salaries and pays out big for bonuses. Doesn’t matter how experienced you are previously. They’re hiring in “ new to Pharma” folks at or above 100k. If you have experience you’ll likely be passed up or majorly low-balled. Also be warned, if you have a larger market territory, your goal will be so bloated, even decent growth will have you at 85% if you’re lucky. If you have a small and underdeveloped market, your goal will be an increase of 5-10 rx’s per quarter and you will make bank and probably win the trip. OR if you’re an attractive female hired under PC, you will win because he wants to spend his beach time with a harem of attractive airheads, trying to make their husbands jealous.

What are everyone’s thoughts on the LTIs

LTI’s are a joke, especially since taxed. I’d rather have shares but they fucked that up a long time ago. They’re being very open about selling the technology in the foreseeable future so their attempt to “keep” as many from jumping ship, they throw out these LTI’s thinking they’re being so savvy. Unfortunately, I know for a fact that many to performers (albeit like 2 of them) are looking to leave within the next month. Reps from here (self included) are realizing how little they make in base salary compared to other reps across the industry. I worked for a company with lower base salaries before, but our goals were moderately attainable and uncapped and the top 10% was hitting over 125%. I made a LOT of money with that gig and it was motivating to see your work pay off. Now here, they pay you around 100K and give you stupidly unreasonable goals. Bonuses are so small for 85% of the reps, and many don’t get any bonuses.

LTI’s are a joke, especially since taxed. I’d rather have shares but they fucked that up a long time ago. They’re being very open about selling the technology in the foreseeable future so their attempt to “keep” as many from jumping ship, they throw out these LTI’s thinking they’re being so savvy. Unfortunately, I know for a fact that many to performers (albeit like 2 of them) are looking to leave within the next month. Reps from here (self included) are realizing how little they make in base salary compared to other reps across the industry. I worked for a company with lower base salaries before, but our goals were moderately attainable and uncapped and the top 10% was hitting over 125%. I made a LOT of money with that gig and it was motivating to see your work pay off. Now here, they pay you around 100K and give you stupidly unreasonable goals. Bonuses are so small for 85% of the reps, and many don’t get any bonuses.

Very well said. This post is spot on truth.

Company run by ex-Pat Canadian who believes in “income equality” for base salaries and pays out big for bonuses. Doesn’t matter how experienced you are previously. They’re hiring in “ new to Pharma” folks at or above 100k. If you have experience you’ll likely be passed up or majorly low-balled. Also be warned, if you have a larger market territory, your goal will be so bloated, even decent growth will have you at 85% if you’re lucky. If you have a small and underdeveloped market, your goal will be an increase of 5-10 rx’s per quarter and you will make bank and probably win the trip. OR if you’re an attractive female hired under PC, you will win because he wants to spend his beach time with a harem of attractive airheads, trying to make their husbands jealous.