Cuff links and a nice watch

Yep never worked for intuitive and never will . I am an independent rep who sells alot of different widgets because of the robot .
I just got my tailor made suits, shirts ( cuff links of course)
so whats wrong with looking good its not only the young bucks hangin around for 5 minutes pushing procedures for the robot, that want to look good .
Oh and a nice watch ABSOLUTELY. So stop being jealous , you left to early or didn't get the chance to be fired from Intuitive .

Cuff links show you are well dressed Man . Its okay to be clothes snob if you can afford it . But basic sales is to try and mirror your customer . So who is the customer , Really its all about driving the patient through marketing . We are only there to train the docs that want to to procedures .

Get over yourselves. People ultimately care about your character not how frichten vain you are. This company thinks they are right out of a Grisham novel, bunch of cultist tools.

Get over yourselves. People ultimately care about your character not how frichten vain you are. This company thinks they are right out of a Grisham novel, bunch of cultist tools.

Are you serious?! You should not be the one talking about character! Talking about vain! Look into the mirror before typing this crap!