Cuban missle crisis ?


As evident from the recent dismissal of several mid level managers and now the exodus of the lastest. There is something is obviously wrong with PDI's l short term stability.

Could we have another coup on our hands?

Is the CIA involved?

Anybody know why the latest RM left PDI?

I thought there were corporate blood lines that tied this recent group. Something smells like " pesca mala"!

Could this be the end of the Batista regiem ?

Will the people rise up and overthrow the dictators?

No, Me thinks we all gonna be put on a boat and sent to adrift in July.... or maybe we all goes to the "firing squad".

Stay Tuned!

on another note......

Now that all DM's have 20 reps to babysit I guess they are starting to have to earn their money. Thats also double the paperwork they have to do. Caramba!

Well at least they dont have to hear anything from "you know who". That must be a large relief to them.

Some of us lowly reps had the pleasure of working with "you know who" and I am personnally glad to say " Adios loco mujer "!

Now please dont delete this entry . Nobody's name or initials were mentioned This is one of my creative outlets and I used no foul language. The Batista regeim is an historical reference by the way. There is nobody named Batista at the company. So please feel free to Google it. WE REPS ALL NEED A LAUGH to work at this company !

Hasta luego compadres! and

God bless America!

As evident from the recent dismissal of several mid level managers and now the exodus of the lastest. There is something is obviously wrong with PDI's l short term stability.

Could we have another coup on our hands?

Is the CIA involved?

Anybody know why the latest RM left PDI?

I thought there were corporate blood lines that tied this recent group. Something smells like " pesca mala"!

Could this be the end of the Batista regiem ?

Will the people rise up and overthrow the dictators?

No, Me thinks we all gonna be put on a boat and sent to adrift in July.... or maybe we all goes to the "firing squad".

Stay Tuned!

on another note......

Now that all DM's have 20 reps to babysit I guess they are starting to have to earn their money. Thats also double the paperwork they have to do. Caramba!

Well at least they dont have to hear anything from "you know who". That must be a large relief to them.

Some of us lowly reps had the pleasure of working with "you know who" and I am personnally glad to say " Adios loco mujer "!

Now please dont delete this entry . Nobody's name or initials were mentioned This is one of my creative outlets and I used no foul language. The Batista regeim is an historical reference by the way. There is nobody named Batista at the company. So please feel free to Google it. WE REPS ALL NEED A LAUGH to work at this company !

Hasta luego compadres! and

God bless America!
Did someone resign today?