CSR questions


Can anyone please provide feedback, I have an interview for CSR position and would like some candid feedback to make best decision for family.

How long until you qualify for bonus?

What is average total compensation? Recruiters say most reps Are at plan $180-200, is this realistic/goals? (I plan on asking how many surgeons are trained/ and in process, etc)

What is the biggest challenge with this position?

I was told training has recently been restructured- 5 weeks in CA, back home clinical field experience for one month, then two weeks advanced training back in CA.

Do you get your own room? Is there time in the evening to study? Are the weekends your own to study or relax? Can you fly home for the weekend or fly family down on the weekend?

Thank you for feedback

Can anyone please provide feedback, I have an interview for CSR position and would like some candid feedback to make best decision for family.

How long until you qualify for bonus?

What is average total compensation? Recruiters say most reps Are at plan $180-200, is this realistic/goals? (I plan on asking how many surgeons are trained/ and in process, etc)

What is the biggest challenge with this position?

I was told training has recently been restructured- 5 weeks in CA, back home clinical field experience for one month, then two weeks advanced training back in CA.

Do you get your own room? Is there time in the evening to study? Are the weekends your own to study or relax? Can you fly home for the weekend or fly family down on the weekend?

Thank you for feedback

Average total comp. = $190 Yes its realistic. We don't train surgeons. Medical school does.
Biggest challenge: convincing doctors and hospitals that they need a 2 million dollar tool (and 1/4 Million dollar annual service contract) to perform surgeries that they have been doing for years standing up. Convincing them that they don't need to train to use it. Train by doing is a challenge for a "good Dr.'s" morals so it's a big challenging task to sell them on it.
Your training is as you stated. Yes, a private room is provided. Yes, evenings are yours. No, weekends while training are "work". No family. sorry.
We don't give a hoot about family here. All about the $$. Sell sell sell suka! you'll be in like flynn. FYI warn your family not to use this modern day snake oil!
just your job to sell it. DO NOT USE IT!!

disagree a bit with previous post. 190-240 and yes very achievable. Training is great. nights are yours but encouraged to study. Can fly home I think once now during the 5 weeks. But you will want to take advantage of that time to prepare for the coming weeks activities. I came home once and it was great. Do it if you can.

1 quarter until you qualify for bonus. Biggest challenge is managing your time. It can be done to where you have a life/work balance but you have to be intenional about it. If your not intentional about it, work will overtake you.

Very rewarding job if done the right way which is what they will teach you. I have had family members who greatly benefited from this technology. I will never shy away from telling thier stories and thousands of others that I have been blessed to be a part of in working with hospitals, teams and surgeons. Previous Post was spot on in that we dont train surgeons. medical school does, we help expand MIS to as many patients as possible in the communities in which we live.

Good luck and remember you will see far more negative on this site than positive. Lots of positive and opportunity with ISI.

disagree a bit with previous post. 190-240 and yes very achievable. Training is great. nights are yours but encouraged to study. Can fly home I think once now during the 5 weeks. But you will want to take advantage of that time to prepare for the coming weeks activities. I came home once and it was great. Do it if you can.

1 quarter until you qualify for bonus. Biggest challenge is managing your time. It can be done to where you have a life/work balance but you have to be intenional about it. If your not intentional about it, work will overtake you.

Very rewarding job if done the right way which is what they will teach you. I have had family members who greatly benefited from this technology. I will never shy away from telling thier stories and thousands of others that I have been blessed to be a part of in working with hospitals, teams and surgeons. Previous Post was spot on in that we dont train surgeons. medical school does, we help expand MIS to as many patients as possible in the communities in which we live.

Good luck and remember you will see far more negative on this site than positive. Lots of positive and opportunity with ISI.

If they don't train the Dr.'s why then in the many lawsuits do they say "does at all times, Intuitive Surgical asserts that it provided "adequate training" resources to healthcare providers and the labeling for the da Vinci Surgical System accurately conveyed the risks and benefits of the System."

The resources FOR TRAINING healthcare providers is the "Medical Schools" job or I.S.? Why then do they make that statement... in open court? Are you saying that their training is inadequate? Not needed? Not required? But they agreed to adequately train healthcare providers in order to obtain FDA approval...? remember?

Please explain because Me thinks you u is trying to be cute and brush this statement off...
Does Boeing let anybody with a pilot lic. to fly? If the guys got a pilot lic. (& $) he can buy a 747 and practice over people? Boeing would have no responsibility in selling it to um if he crashes it? had lic. to fly so... not our job to train. It's the flight schools job. no law says we can't sell to a guy with a lic. so... We here to make $ people! screw the public! last I checked... the jury is the public... please explain

I don't know much. However you are certified lunatic. Do you really think Boeing who manufactures planes regulates who flies them? Seriously? Just like ford is in charge of regulating who drives their cars? Please tell me your analogy is a joke.

I don't know much. However you are certified lunatic. Do you really think Boeing who manufactures planes regulates who flies them? Seriously? Just like ford is in charge of regulating who drives their cars? Please tell me your analogy is a joke.

Oh I see... The FAA regulates pilots, the DMV regulates auto drivers, the FDA regulates medical devises correct? Well, slap my ass and call me Sally! (not looney)
As per the "FDA" approval of "the robot" was approved in 1999: " "It is to approve with conditions. The conditions include the outline of a training program as proposed by Dr. Anderson; that there be labeling of it as an equivalent product..."

So, I guess I'm sane and you da crazy one? Why do they issue "online certificates" for taking a course then? ...if they not "required" to train?

I aint joking. the robot is the joke. snake oil 2.o BEEOOOOCH!!

DaVinci - What a SCAM!

Oh I see... The FAA regulates pilots, the DMV regulates auto drivers, the FDA regulates medical devises correct? Well, slap my ass and call me Sally! (not looney)
As per the "FDA" approval of "the robot" was approved in 1999: " "It is to approve with conditions. The conditions include the outline of a training program as proposed by Dr. Anderson; that there be labeling of it as an equivalent product..."

So, I guess I'm sane and you da crazy one? Why do they issue "online certificates" for taking a course then? ...if they not "required" to train?

I aint joking. the robot is the joke. snake oil 2.o BEEOOOOCH!!

DaVinci - What a SCAM!

does the "online certificate" automatically credential the surgeon to do surgery? all that represents is that they (or someone) went through the online modules. it is up to the hospital to credential surgeons for this technology and any other technology used in treating patients. get a life, as it is obvious you either couldn't make it at Intuitive or you didnt get hired.....