Your answers have been about on par with my experience in interviewing with BSC so far. Not serious, not intelligent, and totally full of themselves! The table has turned to whether or not I actually want to work for BSC and I am now glad it has gone on this long. You are right they do jerk you around but no tears here. I don't think I would want to spend my days working with a bunch of guys on a power trip bc they can tote a device instead of a drug (nobodies impressed dude!! it's not that complicated) The reps don't seem to know what they are talking about to the docs. I see the questioning look on thier faces and the rest of the time they are just staring at my ass. Get a reality check, an education and some respect! Be professional!!
As one of the few serious posters on CP, let me give your question a shot.
Most people ask the wrong question when they are considering coming to CRM. The question usually goes something like this: "Is {company name} a good place to work?" The response they get is usually glowing or negative, but it's really not about the company as much as it is the TEAM that they worked for.
Questions about the TEAM you're joining are much more critical than about the COMPANY.
So how do you size up an opportunity to get started in CRM? Here's a few questions you need to be delving in to with the interviewer.
Volume (Cases)? Your sole focus in the beginning of your CRM career is to be in on as many implants as possible. My experience was 3-5 cases a week minimum. The good news is that if you're being considered for a position it probably means they are growing - and that COULD mean they have cases to participate in. On top of being in cases, you need to somehow figure out if you're going to be allowed to DO anything in them. Ask if you can shadow a current clinical....CLINICAL...if you shadow a sales rep - they are going to SELL you the position. If you get a clinical off to the side, you will probably get more of the straight scoop. "How long before they let you run the analyzer?" "Are the reps and the docs close, or do the reps constantly monopolize the cases in order to build THEIR relationships with the doctors?" If there is no clinical to ask, you're going to have to surmise this on your own - which may be next to impossible. Don't get me wrong - there's going to be bitch work in the first 6 months (toting bags, filling out paperwork, etc.) but you must never forget that your goal is to be on the analyzer and helping the physician during the implant as much as possible.
How many sales reps will you be assisting in the territory? Anything more than 2 PRIMARILY and you're going to be hosed. They are going to have you running hither and yon doing their bitchwork and forcing you to sort out the conflicts that THEY generate between THEIR schedules. You will be a SLAVE regardless, you just need to minimize the number of MASTERS you are exposed to. Secondly, is there are half a dozen sales reps already in place - how likely are you to be promoted to sales rep anytime soon?
Having a plan.
Ask the interviewer for a training schedule or syllabus. If he fumbles around or puts this off - he doesn't value your progression. He needs to provide that immediately, or attach it to a follow up email within 24 hours. If he/she doesn't - you know that progression is going to rest 100% on your shoulders - because management doesn't really see how your certification truly impacts revenue generation.
Closing Points.
TEAM TEAM TEAM. It is better to belong to the Number 1 Sorin Team in the nation than the 175th Medtronic Team. You are only interested in VOLUME business, because you need a consistent diet of cases with doctors who like your company (therefore are patient with yoiur dumbass!!). This is the central element to deciding if a job offer is good or not.
Former Pharma: From your posts, it sounds like you are an attractive 9soon-to-be) former pharma rep. This is a strength for you and your customers - you know that from previous experience getting those signatures that no one else could get. It is, however, a threat to those of us who look like deack apes. Our only defense mechanism is to marginalize you to a sex-crazed schemer or a "typical Pharma" lazy-ass. Unfortunately, there are those who have preceded you that have earned those titles. It's not fair, it's not just - it's your reality. Don't earn the title.
Do you REALLY want to leave pharma? Why? Is the delta between device money and pharma money enough to surmount the delta between device QOL and pharma QOL? That is a HUGE consideration, and one that far-too-many pharma reps give no consideration. The 3am emergency calls are a bitch. New legislation has its cross hairs on both industries and the paydays are drawing to a close.
Don't leave behind pharma (and the seniority you've built) on a whim.....
Good luck.