Cruefest 2011


Active Member
  • Wonka   Mar 02, 2011 at 01:01: AM
Motley and Poison.

Wanna get drunk with me FT?;)

I saw that today. Will consider going only because Sixx:AM will be also playing, and these days, Nikki's side band is better than Motley. The lead singer, James Michael, can actually sing, while Fat Vince squawks and squeaks and lets the audience sing for him. I'll watch Sixx:AM and we can get loaded during Poison, just in time to watch the Crue.

New Sixx:AM song called "Lies of the Beautiful People" on iTunes now. It's not bad. Unless you're one of those Lady GaGa, Rihanna types.

  • Wonka   Mar 02, 2011 at 01:19: AM
Speaking of Lady GaGa, her new song sucks ass. Looks like her run is over. I confess to liking her song Bad Romance, it makes me think of our forbidden love.