
This will go down as one of the greatest clusters of all time.
Horribly planned and will have our few remaining docs outraged as they have already warned.
Stop it, come up with a better, unified plan and then execute.
This is embarrassing.

This is the biggest crock of ....! NO training is being offered on the other company's products and everything has to go through corporate bureaucracy for f_#king approval. It's not like there are extra instrument sets laying around to support these opportunities and the dipshit RVP's will micro manage this to death. The only reason they're doing this is so DD can tell wall street we captured $XXX million in cross sales "Day One" which demonstrates that this was a "seamless" transition. It's all a lie and all a crock!
If you want to hear what a liar DD is, have the analysts ask him how many employees and reps have left each company in the 14+ months since the announcement and then, later in the year, ask him the percentage of turnover...how many legacy employees and reps have remained with the company post-integration. He has to lie about it! He can't tell the truth because it would be devastating!

Salesforce needs to collectively, and politely, refuse to participate in this. Being held responsible for the sale of product you know little or nothing about is typically referred to as a 'setup'.

The responses here are priceless but frankly concerning. Coming from someone in the field, this stuff HAS to be done and will help YOU achieve your commission goals! That is all you care about anyways, isn't it? If you refuse to do this, mark my words....you will come running to your distributor when you have an opportunity and say "Corporate is screwing me again! I cant get product, backorders are not allowing me to make any money and I am going to lose this surgeon!". Grow up and understand that that the only one that will suffer from NOT DOING THIS is YOU.

I can tell you this. If that Biomet rep sells any of my stuff to his 2 doctors, which the only way he has business is by doing their landscaping and coming and picking them up at bars to drive them home safely and picking up those bar tabs, etc, etc, then things will get VERY VERY ugly. Management if you create this situation, then be prepared for the backlash as sales will plummet as we walk off with all the high volume surgeons. That is how this WILL play out. This needs to be thought out a lot more thoroughly and not just for 3-6 months out so you can collect your bonuses. There are plenty of companies that are actively offering "bonuses" for coming over to them without all the bullshit attached and that allow you to be a salesman once again and not a damned courier and bearer of bad news constantly.
Nothing against the Biomet guys/gals, they just play by a different set of rules than Zimmer....

Are we not supposed to be trained on a product before we sell it? Isn't that part of compliance? I really don't give a shit, this is such a cluster there are a lot of us looking at deals to convert. If you think we care about numbers right now you are completely wrong. You know how many Biomet reps that don't even have a non compete? LOTS. This time next year gonna be a lot of fresh faces working for pennies compared to what we make. Good luck.

Bingo. SN will offer bonus plus gaurentee to convert, just call them. Stryker will offer bonus based on conversion business with gaurentee for 2 years. Depuy will do anything and suck you off to get the business. They will change the offer significantly when you refuse the first one. Anybody ready to make the jump, Sky is the limit. 2 years from now who knows what this business will be like. Convert now and get that money while you can.

The responses here are priceless but frankly concerning. Coming from someone in the field, this stuff HAS to be done and will help YOU achieve your commission goals! That is all you care about anyways, isn't it? If you refuse to do this, mark my words....you will come running to your distributor when you have an opportunity and say "Corporate is screwing me again! I cant get product, backorders are not allowing me to make any money and I am going to lose this surgeon!". Grow up and understand that that the only one that will suffer from NOT DOING THIS is YOU.

The central problem with your thesis is that we have to work with each other, as this job is like a marriage of sorts. I want to work WITH the Biomet reps in my area and come up with a face-to-face plan that helps advance things for ALL of us. Having us develop potentially acrimonious plans for self-interest makes zero sense and is getting our relationship off on a wrong start.

As for backorders, can either organization withstand a flood of inventory demands from a second sales force?

My cynical side thinks this is about the thinning the herd, hunger-games style.

Zimmer Biomet is an ortho rep's dream! DePuy/Synthes, Stryker/Mako, Smith Nephew/?, Wright Medical /Tornier vs Zimmer Biomet - ask the industry reps which bag they want - Zimmer Biomet leads. The momentum of the new products and relationships of this merger brings new optimism to industry, the surgeon customer, the hospital customer, and the patient. Zimmer Biomet reps will be on offense at first and goal from the 1 every morning.

Zimmer will align the company from the top down to the distributor and local representative to compete and win in every zip code and in every product segment while rewarding the feet on the street with the best compensation packages in the industry.

DePuy, Stryker, Smith Nephew reps time to update your linked in profile --- the best opportunities for marketshare growth and long term career opportunities are back with the big blue Z.

Let me translate the above post for you all " Hi I'm from Zimmer marketing and I have no idea about how a doctor/rep relationship works. A shitload of products means you should all triple your numbers now, forget the fact that your customers have trusted your products over this shitload of new stuff for years, they will use it now. This will be seamless, especially when two tenured reps or distributorships are in the same area and one is forced to hand over business or leave altogether, trust me they will smile and be happy about the already mentioned shitload of products their now old customers have. We just had an awesome meeting here in Warsaw and it was agreed that the competition is really really terrified, don't go to the competition, please please don't go even though in 12 months we plan off bending nearly half of you over a barrel, shawshank style!!!"

Zimmer Biomet will be the envy of the industry. Many of our foot and ankle, upper extremity, and sports medicine / biologics surgeon friends are excited about the more expansive portfolio, not to mention the hip, knee, and trauma metals users getting more options to choose from in our bag vs the competition.

The surgeon customers like the options and it's more personalized care - we will give them the solution they want for the patient they are treating one product and one surgery at a time.

Talk to your Zimmer reps. Apparently that memo didn't get translated to them as they all say it's nothing but a clusterfuck and most are looking for a way out. Lots of areas with big Zimmer and biomet presence, what are you gonna do? Most biomet reps DO NOT have non competes in those areas, and will convert the second they get wind they are not gonna be around. And, FYI, biomet has those relationships with their surgeons and they will go with their reps to something different. Biomet reps I've talked to can't wait to see what deals are presented to them so they can walk or continue on. Don't make it sound like this is the best gig around, because your sales force is having those talks with surgeons about switching with them. Your little rants only prove how threatened you really feel. Brings a smile to lots of faces to see you scramble now.

So the rules are sabotage and F-Over the Biomet reps, then work with them like nothing has happened while in the background you might/might not work for one of their distributors.....and push product that you have no training on? Now that is a sure fire winner for everyone involved. The lawyers smell blood in the water.
When the shares tank all us shareholders are going to have a field day (I meant our lawyers will due to all the freaking hours they are going to bill). Short sell now.
Moe, Larry and Curly could have made a better gameplan.
Suspend options and bonuses for executives for 2 years post close and that might force logic to be used, maybe.

This is a true cluster f###.

How do they think they are going to manage cross selling? How is going to to decide who actually sold what to who? Are they really going to have two reps calling on the same surgeons with the same products? If not who is going to decide which rep get which surgeon?

When are they going to make some announcements as to what is happening.

It's crazy

We didn't realize biomet reps had such good relationships wih big number users. Trying to figure out how to salvage as much business as possible after we piss off lots of Zimmer reps. There will not be multiple reps in territories, he who can secure the business will most likely stay, with a small change in commision structure as well.

We didn't realize biomet reps had such good relationships wih big number users. Trying to figure out how to salvage as much business as possible after we piss off lots of Zimmer reps. There will not be multiple reps in territories, he who can secure the business will most likely stay, with a small change in commision structure as well.

Might want to try cross selling at S&N.