As a former ENT rep I was “strongly encouraged ”by my manager to “game” the system. I was advised to setup “head and neck” only accounts with separate “bill too’s“ for facilities that were primarily assigned to the core representatives. This would bypass the checks and balances and be rubber stamped by having a friendly customer support person. While many of us knew this was dishonest, it was coached and expected by our managers. In other words, Gun held to our heads. For two years, I made my quota # by poaching deals that technically should have gone to the core or airway reps. If we heard about a facility needing a product where there was crossover, we were strongly encouraged to keep things under wraps and have a separate account setup and listed as Head and Neck only!
The only “collaboration” going on here is between the h&n managers and their representatives. It is the pressure to use these type of tactics that caused me to leave!
The only “collaboration” going on here is between the h&n managers and their representatives. It is the pressure to use these type of tactics that caused me to leave!