Crooked Julie


Julie sold $1.56MM in stock on 01Sep, prior to the restructuring announcement, but she obviously knew the decision. Does this count as insider trading? Either way, it is unethical. In my opinion, she should get the same treatment as Martha Stewart. She should fit into the same orange jumpsuit.

Julie sold $1.56MM in stock on 01Sep, prior to the restructuring announcement, but she obviously knew the decision. Does this count as insider trading? Either way, it is unethical. In my opinion, she should get the same treatment as Martha Stewart. She should fit into the same orange jumpsuit.
No it doesn't, as layoff announcements like this usually end with a higher sick price, she could justifiably state that the sale wasn't in her favor.

She is pretty worthless though, and is the reason why operations here are in the crap state that they are.