Crony Capitalism and Sally Susman


I read an article about Obama's top fundraisers and I saw an unfamiliar name: Sally Susman. Apparently she's now a Senior VP at Pfizer?

Here's the quote I read: "Drug giant Pfizer’s top government relations executive, Sally Susman, has pledged to raise between $200,000 and $500,000 for Obama’s re-election effort."

Maybe this is old news -- I don't spend a lot of time on this board -- as I left Pfizer some time ago during the Jeffrey Kindler "reign."

I recall that as a tough time for morale at Pfizer. Kindler took any opportunity to refer to the salesforce as a "liability" and a "necessary evil." I felt it and I left the organization. I no longer believed in our leadership as I watched Kindler sidle up to Obama and voice his agreement with "Obamacare."

And now this: Susman pledging to re-elect Obama. Fascinating. It reminds me of a form of corporate "Stockholm Syndrome" at best, bald-faced crony capitalism at worst.

Pledging to re-elect the most anti-business candidate in our lifetimes is short term thinking that the board of directors ought to take notice of. Anyone involved in the Pfizer PAC also ought to take notice. "Feeding" the Obama re-election campaign is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.

I have little remaining interest in what Pfizer does or does not, apart from availability of future pension benefits accrued. I am, however, interested in the relationship of big business to an ever expanding government.

Sally Susman, you are emblematic of everything wrong with Pfizer and this country.


Go ahead - be one of the dumb-asses who votes for Mitt Romney, a guy who made millions from sending Americans jobs overseas, supported outsourcing when he was Governor of Mass. and even today supports tax breaks for companies who send jobs overseas. Oh, he also hid his millions overseas so he could avoid paying taxes. This is a guy who cares about real workers like us??? NO WAY!!!! Americans are so dumb they'll probably elect him, though.

Go ahead - be one of the dumb-asses who votes for Mitt Romney, a guy who made millions from sending Americans jobs overseas, supported outsourcing when he was Governor of Mass. and even today supports tax breaks for companies who send jobs overseas. Oh, he also hid his millions overseas so he could avoid paying taxes. This is a guy who cares about real workers like us??? NO WAY!!!! Americans are so dumb they'll probably elect him, though.

He didn't make his money by outsourcing and sending jobs overseas, but it was the best business decisions for his stockholders, I guess kind of like your asshole leaders laying people off as they approach their retirement and pensions and then gives himself a pay raise! You work for the worst assholes in the world. Clean up your own house before looking outside it!

Sally needs Obama to be re-elected or the republican congressional investigations - led by Charles Grassley, R-IA, into quid pro quo lobbying commence in 2013 and end in jail time for Sally. Fortunately for Sal, she's used to dropping the soap in front of other ladies.

I can't stand that libtard Romney, but jeez you leftard nitwwit your lies are so pathetic you're dangerous.

Obama is a leftist. Try to lie about that fact.

Since when is being a leftist a bad thing? Reagan had some awesome leftist policies and some rather corny policies too I might add. Reagan socialized our hospitals in 1984? Because of Reagan's "leftist" agenda and policies we can now no longer be denied treatment at a hospital if I break my leg out of town. How is this a bad thing????

Go ahead - be one of the dumb-asses who votes for Mitt Romney, a guy who made millions from sending Americans jobs overseas, supported outsourcing when he was Governor of Mass. and even today supports tax breaks for companies who send jobs overseas. Oh, he also hid his millions overseas so he could avoid paying taxes. This is a guy who cares about real workers like us??? NO WAY!!!! Americans are so dumb they'll probably elect him, though.

Try doing some of your own thinking and have an actual opinion, instead of spouting out the libtard lines. If you actually did that, you would see than even the liberal news media has said this is a falsehood, a lie, by the Obama campaign.

He didn't make his money by outsourcing and sending jobs overseas, but it was the best business decisions for his stockholders, I guess kind of like your asshole leaders laying people off as they approach their retirement and pensions and then gives himself a pay raise! You work for the worst assholes in the world. Clean up your own house before looking outside it!

yeah but thats ok, because the gov't will take care of all those people layed off by his beloved liberal leadership.

I read an article about Obama's top fundraisers and I saw an unfamiliar name: Sally Susman. Apparently she's now a Senior VP at Pfizer?

Here's the quote I read: "Drug giant Pfizer’s top government relations executive, Sally Susman, has pledged to raise between $200,000 and $500,000 for Obama’s re-election effort."

Maybe this is old news -- I don't spend a lot of time on this board -- as I left Pfizer some time ago during the Jeffrey Kindler "reign."

I recall that as a tough time for morale at Pfizer. Kindler took any opportunity to refer to the salesforce as a "liability" and a "necessary evil." I felt it and I left the organization. I no longer believed in our leadership as I watched Kindler sidle up to Obama and voice his agreement with "Obamacare."

And now this: Susman pledging to re-elect Obama. Fascinating. It reminds me of a form of corporate "Stockholm Syndrome" at best, bald-faced crony capitalism at worst.

Pledging to re-elect the most anti-business candidate in our lifetimes is short term thinking that the board of directors ought to take notice of. Anyone involved in the Pfizer PAC also ought to take notice. "Feeding" the Obama re-election campaign is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.

I have little remaining interest in what Pfizer does or does not, apart from availability of future pension benefits accrued. I am, however, interested in the relationship of big business to an ever expanding government.

Sally Susman, you are emblematic of everything wrong with Pfizer and this country.

This is old news on the boards, there have been several threads exposing Sussman. She also runs the Pfizer PAC, which of course is party blind, lol. Pfizer leadship has chosen to ignore her obvious conflict of interest and questionable ethics, which in the end I believe will come back to bite them. If there is any justice in this world Sussman will end up in jail.

Sally Suessman, Karen B-T, etc. This company has abandoned all its principles and simply puts incompetent, liberal, Obama lovers in charge of everything. How can the Board of Directors think all of this is OK?

Sally Suessman, Karen B-T, etc. This company has abandoned all its principles and simply puts incompetent, liberal, Obama lovers in charge of everything. How can the Board of Directors think all of this is OK?

Apparently Increasing shareholder value and building a strong company with good leaders is not a priority for this board...Take a look at the few areas that are expanding and not being cut in pfizer...policy and communications groups, filled with people like Sussman and KB, no Pharma experience and NO contribution to building a stronger company...all long as the board and the top leaders continue to emphasize politics over the business, Pfizer will continue to struggle and suffer

Since when is being a leftist a bad thing? Reagan had some awesome leftist policies and some rather corny policies too I might add. Reagan socialized our hospitals in 1984? Because of Reagan's "leftist" agenda and policies we can now no longer be denied treatment at a hospital if I break my leg out of town. How is this a bad thing????

even Reagan can get it wrong .

Go ahead - be one of the dumb-asses who votes for Mitt Romney, a guy who made millions from sending Americans jobs overseas, supported outsourcing when he was Governor of Mass. and even today supports tax breaks for companies who send jobs overseas. Oh, he also hid his millions overseas so he could avoid paying taxes. This is a guy who cares about real workers like us??? NO WAY!!!! Americans are so dumb they'll probably elect him, though.

Is Pfizer's help center in India? Hmm

Sally Suessman, Karen B-T, etc. This company has abandoned all its principles and simply puts incompetent, liberal, Obama lovers in charge of everything. How can the Board of Directors think all of this is OK?

Most of the Board members are so old and out of touch that they most likely could care less. They have made their millions and seem to be milking the situation. Really a sad situation. Vote em all out and hire some new blood.

Your new CEO will most likely cash in once he gets his stock options up to a tidy place. He's ripe for retirement. Problem, nobody seems to be manning the ship.