
I am interviewing for a position. I know there are pockets of successful territories but, overall, it seems to be Medtronic & my region anyway. From what I understand, SJM did some weird/shady/questionable business practices and Abbott is trying to clean up those missteps and reputations. I hear there are good things in the pipeline and you can still have a good territory with their existing portfolio. I am just looking from some unbiased information and opinions as I navigate through the interview process. Thanks in advance!

I am interviewing for a position. I know there are pockets of successful territories but, overall, it seems to be Medtronic & my region anyway. From what I understand, SJM did some weird/shady/questionable business practices and Abbott is trying to clean up those missteps and reputations. I hear there are good things in the pipeline and you can still have a good territory with their existing portfolio. I am just looking from some unbiased information and opinions as I navigate through the interview process. Thanks in advance!

If you're territory is a Medtronic/Boston stronghold then you need...

1) Contract access. If you don't have this, you are pretty much screwed until they come up for renewal and hopefully you can make a play for a position.
2) You need relationships that will support you. If you don't have strong relationships then you are at a serious disadvantage because your competition certainly has them and they will go to great lengths to protect them.
3) You need technology in your bag that you can hold up against Medtronic/Boston.

As for questionable business practices by your predecessors... For the most most part, if you do things the right way, you can overcome that but it will take time. However, it is possible that some realtionships have been damaged to the point that they will never give you a fair shot. Be respectful of that.

The pipeline....... There have been 'good things' coming down the pipeline for several years now. What else is there? Leadless? IMHO.... most of the cutting edge technology is out in the smaller start-ups right now. I am sure the Big 3 have watchful eyes on some of the HF and A-Fib technologies to buy the technology but seriously what more can we do to pacemakers and ICD's? They sense, they pace and they shock. They aren't complicated.

Good luck!

Thanks for the feedback! All of your points are kind of what I assumed. To your point, it seems most technology in CRM has reached its's still needed & used everyday. I am sure I would be going up against some tenured and respected competing reps but I am confident I can find my long and the company gives me time. That's a whole other concern, Med device companies don't have patience for reps. They want results and they want them now!

Get used to some Implanters splitting business, 30, 30, 30 as they want to keep their options open for various reasons, some are even clinical:)

based on contracts, price, MD choice as to vendor/why and what the patient had previously implanted in large part.

Commodity market in large part. I would try and get into a different part of this business

I am interviewing for a position. I know there are pockets of successful territories but, overall, it seems to be Medtronic & my region anyway. From what I understand, SJM did some weird/shady/questionable business practices and Abbott is trying to clean up those missteps and reputations. I hear there are good things in the pipeline and you can still have a good territory with their existing portfolio. I am just looking from some unbiased information and opinions as I navigate through the interview process. Thanks in advance!

Run. And Run fast.

St Jude was incompetent. Abbott is shady and corrupt.