CRM NSM next week


I’m very concerned about the meeting next week and how early this could become a COVID super spreader event. Having people test themselves before and when they arrive in Dallas is fine but we all know maybe 50% of those attending will actually comply. I’d like to ask management to consider hiring someone to conduct temperature checks each morning before allowing folks to enter breakfast or breakout sessions. And I for one will be wearing a mask all week !
Good luck and stay safe folks



That's funny.
50% compliance is WISHFUL thinking. I say maybe 30%.

Temperature checks not going to happen either. Would take FOREVER to enter any meeting room.

Just fake COVID, and enjoy a free 5day staycation.

I’m very concerned about the meeting next week and how early this could become a COVID super spreader event. Having people test themselves before and when they arrive in Dallas is fine but we all know maybe 50% of those attending will actually comply. I’d like to ask management to consider hiring someone to conduct temperature checks each morning before allowing folks to enter breakfast or breakout sessions. And I for one will be wearing a mask all week !
Good luck and stay safe folks

Nobody is taking the second one. Are you risking a positive and getting stuck there? The ignorant mother-fuckers in senior management who hate their home lives so much they need a reason to leave deserve whatever they catch while they are there.
I'd love nothing more than to blow a COVID snot-rocket on Victor.

I’m very concerned about the meeting next week and how early this could become a COVID super spreader event. Having people test themselves before and when they arrive in Dallas is fine but we all know maybe 50% of those attending will actually comply. I’d like to ask management to consider hiring someone to conduct temperature checks each morning before allowing folks to enter breakfast or breakout sessions. And I for one will be wearing a mask all week !
Good luck and stay safe folks

Think 50% is very generous. I will expense them so they can't say I didn't do it, but the test will never come out of the box. Any rep doing their job the last 2 1/2 years has probably had covid at least 3 times. Only bigger joke would be temperature checks remember when offices were doing them. Had one office scan me and tell me 92 degrees. I told her they better call EMS because I am dying of hypothermia she just looked at me funny and didn't get it.