Crestor OCEAN Sales Team

How can it be the future when they are calling on complete no-see drs and those with absolutely no statin volume. This is the biggest waste of money in AZ's history and that is saying something.

They will support Crestor until May when there will be multi-source generic Lipitor. Then Crestor will go into cornerstone. Just like Nexium, all PDEs will discontinue and there will be only CSA support.

They will support Crestor until May when there will be multi-source generic Lipitor. Then Crestor will go into cornerstone. Just like Nexium, all PDEs will discontinue and there will be only CSA support.

then where will i go? i'm just picking up crestor, newly trained and rip-roaring and ready to go! i can turn crestor sales around in my territory! I am the new face of crestor in my territory. i can back door even the closed offices. My crestor MS will soar. I will surpass AZ sales goals and destroy the generics. I'm not a TSi box checker. I always get time and my dsm loves me. Field visits too numerous to count b/c I am a leader in my district. That's why I am still here and will be long into the future.