Credit Cards Turned Off---just wait!


Get ready kids. After MP turns off your credit cards then its the gas cards for reps. Actually he left the gas cards on for us at Medicis for a month then they were all declined due to non payment. Next come the building HVAC. In the Summer in Scottsdale he turns the air up to 90 so we all sweat its 115 outside. Next he closes the cafeteria. refuses to fix broken soda machines, takes away water and cups. Next he lets Lake out front go rancid and smelly. He fires all cleaning staff for 90ksq foot building and outsources to one lady. Next he closes HR dept so there is no one to complain to. Stiff all vendors who get paid six months late if at all. Refuses to pay Direct TV so it gets disconnected from flat screen in lobby waiting area. One day internet and voicemail goes down--totally cut off----accounting says he did not pay Cox for circuit. Oh it gets better for the best of the best then in month seven after close he cans whole building and closes it. Welcome to Valeant! Ass rape with no lube!

Cancellation of 1 or 3 cards is an accident but dozens is an intention. The promise was not
to layoff US sales but what better way to do that by saying oh we had
a glitch while the reps are with Docs at lunch. Embarrassment galore
and the reps will now leave. So MPs plan is working.
Also many leaders that were named in the original memo on Aug 4 as keepers
have asked to be severed now as they know exactly what is happening.