Crazy ass managers


Couple of questions-once the recruiter refers a candidate to a hiring manager-based on your experience, how long before an in person interview? Are there multiple rounds during the in person interview or does this depend on the individual contract? Can a referral take place and then no further consideration? Thanks for the feedback.

Couple of questions-once the recruiter refers a candidate to a hiring manager-based on your experience, how long before an in person interview? Are there multiple rounds during the in person interview or does this depend on the individual contract? Can a referral take place and then no further consideration? Thanks for the feedback.

This company does not play games. The recruiter interviews, then you have 1 face to face, then a phone interview with the regional.

Say what you will about "crazy ass managers" (we will always have them), but InVentiv is one of the best companies out there, and I prefer it to any other company out there because they work with several vendors and are projected to continue to grow.

Other companies in this industry, especially the publicly traded ones, are garbage. Absolute garbage. And the smaller companies usually have shit products. InVentiv is right in the middle. Also, my experience has been that the InVentiv reps are better than any other company in healthcare because of the experience we bring, and the fact that "we get it" vs. other companies that are mostly Kool Aid drinkers.