Cramer and Boobgren

Those 2 were the best thing txmd had going. The day CB was asked to go was all down hill. Gish would have ended the company in q1 2020 if Covid didn’t save us. Covid derailed the Gish train and made a lean and mean salesforce. But here we are again and the up top is driving to boat back into shore.

If the leadership of 2018 could have had a 5 year run this place would have been a player!

Thanks Christian and Cramer for your post. Both the biggest posers ever.

You two were the reason we crashed and now going into BK. Liquidation now, you two suits had no substance or skill sets to make it work here. It's over here because of you two screw ups and the ridiculous spending. I'm sure you both will give us jobs when this place goes under, what a joke.

Keep selling those machines only time before you both looking for new jobs. When we go into BK there will be NO severance so everyone should leave. Glickman a loser. It's over.

Cramer I will pray for you, you were always a loser.

Thanks Christian and Cramer for your post. Both the biggest posers ever.

You two were the reason we crashed and now going into BK. Liquidation now, you two suits had no substance or skill sets to make it work here. It's over here because of you two screw ups and the ridiculous spending. I'm sure you both will give us jobs when this place goes under, what a joke.

Keep selling those machines only time before you both looking for new jobs. When we go into BK there will be NO severance so everyone should leave. Glickman a loser. It's over.

Cramer I will pray for you, you were always a loser.

As someone in management at the time this could not be further from the truth. We I’ll know what Gish did in the short time he was here and why we are where we are today. I can only guess this was Gish that posted the above

As someone in management at the time this could not be further from the truth. We I’ll know what Gish did in the short time he was here and why we are where we are today. I can only guess this was Gish that posted the above

agree. This post has little Chrissy Gish written all over it. Chris, what did you actually do here?