Crackhead Gun Trial


Nothing will happen to Hunter. All jurors have been hand picked and thus are drug addicts, related to addicts, alcoholics, empathetic to that group. Nothing ever happens to these criminal libs. It's a twisted, upside-down, banana republic society, no accountability or enforcement of laws. Pathetic.

Any predictions on the outcome? A special challenge to the special Libs of Pharma. Try to answer without referencing Trump.
I predict he will have a trial under our system of law and experience the consequences.
WTF does Trump have to do with this?
You're the one who mentioned him - LOL
You're the one who brought him up.

Nothing will happen to Hunter. All jurors have been hand picked and thus are drug addicts, related to addicts, alcoholics, empathetic to that group. Nothing ever happens to these criminal libs. It's a twisted, upside-down, banana republic society, no accountability or enforcement of laws. Pathetic.

1st he has to be tried, just like Trump. Then he will be sentenced. You seem to be suffering a case of premature verbal ejaculation because he hasn't even been convicted yet. That's the way you MAGATS operate, cry and whine BEFORE anything happens - like when Donny cried he wasn't allowed to attend his son's graduation which was such an obvious lie. Pathetic. I dare you to admit it - he attended.

Tell the moron that posted about Trump after you. Just. Can’t. Resist.
I don't need to tell anybody anything. You're the one who posts about the OB, begging for a response - after which you sit back and mouth off. How much rent does your mom charge you for the basement?

I don't need to tell anybody anything. You're the one who posts about the OB, begging for a response - after which you sit back and mouth off. How much rent does your mom charge you for the basement?
Speaking of rent. You should charge Trump and his beautiful wife for the enormous space they occupy in your diminished mind.

Nothing will happen to Hunter. All jurors have been hand picked and thus are drug addicts, related to addicts, alcoholics, empathetic to that group. Nothing ever happens to these criminal libs. It's a twisted, upside-down, banana republic society, no accountability or enforcement of laws. Pathetic.

Open mouth, insert foot hypocrite :)
Tell us all how Joe Biden controls the federal courts and favors only Democrats - LOL

Hunter Biden found guilty of lying about drug use to buy gun