Covidien buys superdimension

Relatively small market, complicated procedure that isn't reimbursed, with high capital and device cost. Application on early detected peripheral lesions may grow due to screening chest Xrays increasing, but still there are hurdles and big limitations (see above).

I think 300M does sound low... maybe they inherited some debt?

Will be interesting to see how this grows under the Covidien umbrella... will they use the technology for other applications?

There are much cheaper ways to do the same thing this 250K system does.

There are Cheaper ways to do what that machine does but they cause more complications. Look into the clinicals on the superDimension website. The machine is getting easier to use. You are correct, a lot of lung nodules are going to be discovered once they start screening and looking for them. Won't matter much if they are small and cancerous when you can get to them safely and zap them early. Seems like a good buy at a very low price.

Any idea on what happens w/ the sales forces from Barrx & SuperDimension? Will they be merged under one umbrella/division, or is COV planning on bringing in new hires?

Any idea on what happens w/ the sales forces from Barrx & SuperDimension? Will they be merged under one umbrella/division, or is COV planning on bringing in new hires?

Usually I would say you have a 40 to 50 percent chance of making it, but with covidien basically starting this new endo division I'd say most will make it through....for a year or two anyway. I'd expect covidien to start fing you on comp tho asap.

According to a recruiter who called me 2 weeks ago about a capital position, the capital reps at plan is $215k and the reps selling the disposables $155k at plan. Both with 80k base.