COVID10 Impact on Labs


How many labs will be going out of business due to COVID19 volume reductions. Most labs I have talked say it is 50% or more in volume loss. Some are are at 90%. PPP may help a little, but a lot of labs won;t survive!

Totally agree. Unless you are doing COVID19 testing and/or the economy quickly (and I mean FAST) gets back to some semblance of normal, the industry is TOAST, burnt toast.

How many labs will be going out of business due to COVID19 volume reductions. Most labs I have talked say it is 50% or more in volume loss. Some are are at 90%. PPP may help a little, but a lot of labs won;t survive!

I hope they all go under. They are all dirt bag companies owned by low rent no talent scam artists. I am a former tox rep and i am glad i got out when i did. All of these companies are the same more or less.The money could be good but constantly being lied to and or being asked to lie for the company gets old. I mean they don’t have to look anyone in the face and bold face lie to people. Reps are are paid pennies on the dollar compared to reimbursement. They charge the patient’s insurance thousands. If i knew how unethical the business was prior to getting into it. I would have never taken the job. This was more than 5 years ago. I worked for a small regional lab for 3 years. I’d never go back to the industry. Just more white collar slap on the wrist crime. Where the owners are the only ones who benefit. I hope they all burn to the ground. I love checking this board to see how all the dirt bags are doing. They can all burn in hell.

I hope they all go under. They are all dirt bag companies owned by low rent no talent scam artists. I am a former tox rep and i am glad i got out when i did. All of these companies are the same more or less.The money could be good but constantly being lied to and or being asked to lie for the company gets old. I mean they don’t have to look anyone in the face and bold face lie to people. Reps are are paid pennies on the dollar compared to reimbursement. They charge the patient’s insurance thousands. If i knew how unethical the business was prior to getting into it. I would have never taken the job. This was more than 5 years ago. I worked for a small regional lab for 3 years. I’d never go back to the industry. Just more white collar slap on the wrist crime. Where the owners are the only ones who benefit. I hope they all burn to the ground. I love checking this board to see how all the dirt bags are doing. They can all burn in hell.

Agree for the most part. All labs that just do taox and or PGX are dirt bags. You should have looked for lab that are full service (including tox), non-russian or middle east owned and are full service. I know there are few of these out there, but they are legitimate. In network helps as well!

I hope they all go under. They are all dirt bag companies owned by low rent no talent scam artists. I am a former tox rep and i am glad i got out when i did. All of these companies are the same more or less.The money could be good but constantly being lied to and or being asked to lie for the company gets old. I mean they don’t have to look anyone in the face and bold face lie to people. Reps are are paid pennies on the dollar compared to reimbursement. They charge the patient’s insurance thousands. If i knew how unethical the business was prior to getting into it. I would have never taken the job. This was more than 5 years ago. I worked for a small regional lab for 3 years. I’d never go back to the industry. Just more white collar slap on the wrist crime. Where the owners are the only ones who benefit. I hope they all burn to the ground. I love checking this board to see how all the dirt bags are doing. They can all burn in hell.

Clearly you have some anger issues and are not a very rational person. So you would want to see all those people many of whom are just technicians and other people who have nothing to do with the people who have been dishonest be hurt? Really? You paint the entire industry with one broad brush do you. Talk about throwing the baby out with the dirty bathwater. Amazing how you can say ALL these companies are the same, what an idiot. Not everyone pays their reps pennies and not everyone is a crook.

I hope they all go under. They are all dirt bag companies owned by low rent no talent scam artists. I am a former tox rep and i am glad i got out when i did. All of these companies are the same more or less.The money could be good but constantly being lied to and or being asked to lie for the company gets old. I mean they don’t have to look anyone in the face and bold face lie to people. Reps are are paid pennies on the dollar compared to reimbursement. They charge the patient’s insurance thousands. If i knew how unethical the business was prior to getting into it. I would have never taken the job. This was more than 5 years ago. I worked for a small regional lab for 3 years. I’d never go back to the industry. Just more white collar slap on the wrist crime. Where the owners are the only ones who benefit. I hope they all burn to the ground. I love checking this board to see how all the dirt bags are doing. They can all burn in hell.

Reimbursement means very little alone. How about costs to reimbursement. I am a lab owner and I think the reps are the scam artists. They go out sign an account up and want 20% commissions. This is outrageous. Also commissions are illegal now- EKRA. So you can stay in your new line of work and suck it. You were the crook. Did you return your commission when your lab was audited and had to pay money back? Did you lower your commissions when employee health insurance premiums went up? Did you lower your commission when reimbursements decreased, but cost of living increases were given to non-sales employees? No you did nothing except cash checks. Also charging insurers thousands means nothing. It is what they actually paid that counts. Every lab charges at least 5 times what they actually are paid. That is the way the game works. If your former employer was raking in thousand a sample, you were working for a bunch of criminals. Also, if you did lie for your company you are complicit in the scam. YOU SUCK!

Reimbursement means very little alone. How about costs to reimbursement. I am a lab owner and I think the reps are the scam artists. They go out sign an account up and want 20% commissions. This is outrageous. Also commissions are illegal now- EKRA. So you can stay in your new line of work and suck it. You were the crook. Did you return your commission when your lab was audited and had to pay money back? Did you lower your commissions when employee health insurance premiums went up? Did you lower your commission when reimbursements decreased, but cost of living increases were given to non-sales employees? No you did nothing except cash checks. Also charging insurers thousands means nothing. It is what they actually paid that counts. Every lab charges at least 5 times what they actually are paid. That is the way the game works. If your former employer was raking in thousand a sample, you were working for a bunch of criminals. Also, if you did lie for your company you are complicit in the scam. YOU SUCK!

Wow, someone has anger management issues. Why would any sales rep ever want to work for you? I bet you have never worked much as a lab sales rep although I would bet almost everything I own that you will say you have. But if you admit you have worked as a sales rep then I guess you are also admitting you were a scam artist too because you didn't say that just a few reps were that way, you pretty much threw them all under the bus. I bet you are one of those people who hires a rep, gets them to set up their accounts and then stops paying the reps in order to make up for the money you feel robbed by having to pay the reps and I am certain that you are also one of those owners unlike me that tells a rep that if they are not constantly adding new accounts they will be fired even though you continue to make great money on the business they already brought you.
You just sound like a very angry person who just needs to leave the lab industry and never look back and I'm sure no one would morn you leaving.

Wow, someone has anger management issues. Why would any sales rep ever want to work for you? I bet you have never worked much as a lab sales rep although I would bet almost everything I own that you will say you have. But if you admit you have worked as a sales rep then I guess you are also admitting you were a scam artist too because you didn't say that just a few reps were that way, you pretty much threw them all under the bus. I bet you are one of those people who hires a rep, gets them to set up their accounts and then stops paying the reps in order to make up for the money you feel robbed by having to pay the reps and I am certain that you are also one of those owners unlike me that tells a rep that if they are not constantly adding new accounts they will be fired even though you continue to make great money on the business they already brought you.
You just sound like a very angry person who just needs to leave the lab industry and never look back and I'm sure no one would morn you leaving.

Lab owner and I still sell, you jackass! Since I own the lab, I am not a scumbag rep, but an owner that knows what he is talking about with over 40 years in the lab industry. Todays reps are lazy, know nothings that want to get paid for closing a few lousy accounts. Reps need to produce or find another line of work. I don't care how many calls a reps makes as long as they close accounts. I am still successful 35 years after I opened my lab. I highly doubt you own a lab. I bet you own a marketing company and peddle your crappy clients to dumb ass lab owners that are desperate for work. You are everything that is wrong with the lab industry. Also, my 218 employees will mourn (not morn, idiot!) when I retire or sell! Sell is more likely as the big 4 labs are beating down my door with offers.

Lab owner and I still sell, you jackass! Since I own the lab, I am not a scumbag rep, but an owner that knows what he is talking about with over 40 years in the lab industry. Todays reps are lazy, know nothings that want to get paid for closing a few lousy accounts. Reps need to produce or find another line of work. I don't care how many calls a reps makes as long as they close accounts. I am still successful 35 years after I opened my lab. I highly doubt you own a lab. I bet you own a marketing company and peddle your crappy clients to dumb ass lab owners that are desperate for work. You are everything that is wrong with the lab industry. Also, my 218 employees will mourn (not morn, idiot!) when I retire or sell! Sell is more likely as the big 4 labs are beating down my door with offers.

Are you currently hiring?

Are you currently hiring?
Yes we are. If you got a solid book of business I can help get you the best commission in the industry. I just now launched a new mask program where I am the 3rd broker and can almost promise great returns. I currently now won 3 labs and I am the VP of 4 other labs, so I have the out reach you need for your customers. Call me so we can do some business. Ed K (Blue Water DX)

Reimbursement means very little alone. How about costs to reimbursement. I am a lab owner and I think the reps are the scam artists. They go out sign an account up and want 20% commissions. This is outrageous. Also commissions are illegal now- EKRA. So you can stay in your new line of work and suck it. You were the crook. Did you return your commission when your lab was audited and had to pay money back? Did you lower your commissions when employee health insurance premiums went up? Did you lower your commission when reimbursements decreased, but cost of living increases were given to non-sales employees? No you did nothing except cash checks. Also charging insurers thousands means nothing. It is what they actually paid that counts. Every lab charges at least 5 times what they actually are paid. That is the way the game works. If your former employer was raking in thousand a sample, you were working for a bunch of criminals. Also, if you did lie for your company you are complicit in the scam. YOU SUCK!

Sorry Pablo, I guess you still haven't figured out that the lab business is SALES driven. So stick with your Ops b.s. and fire all your reps, this way you can wait by the phone for new accounts to call as you suffer a quick death.

Sorry Pablo, I guess you still haven't figured out that the lab business is SALES driven. So stick with your Ops b.s. and fire all your reps, this way you can wait by the phone for new accounts to call as you suffer a quick death.

The best part is when lab owners act like it's a privilege to work for them. A privilege to peddle their shitty ass tox tests that every tom, dick and larry are peddling. There are about 30 labs in my area. They all do the same thing. The only reason offices stay with a lab is because of the rep. It's about good customer service and being honest with the offices. Of course all these labs lie to their reps. In turn that makes the rep look like they are dishonest. When in reality it is the lab owner and upper management that spew these lies. That end up down the river and into the ears of the client. By the time the rep realizes they have been lied too by the lab. The business is gone and oh that's the reps fault. Keep on telling yourselves that. The account churn and rep churn rates at all these crappy little labs tell the story. What's that story? well let me tell you. They SUCK. The doctors and the offices don't care about what lab they use. Without a rep maintaining the relationships you might as well kiss that business goodbye. Now watch while all these lab owners try to say they are better than their comp. When in reality, you all do that same shit. The employees that add growth to theses companies are the reps. The rest of the employees just show up and do their job, get their hourly wage and go home. Reps take work home, reps grind to find new business, reps keep business. Lab owners are rats with money. Reps made your business what it is today. Any asshole with a few hundred grand and a few connections can set up a lab. So lap it up hot shots without your reps you're a dime a dozen. A hard head makes a soft ass. You can take that to the bank. Good luck, you'll need it.

The best part is when lab owners act like it's a privilege to work for them. A privilege to peddle their shitty ass tox tests that every tom, dick and larry are peddling. There are about 30 labs in my area. They all do the same thing. The only reason offices stay with a lab is because of the rep. It's about good customer service and being honest with the offices. Of course all these labs lie to their reps. In turn that makes the rep look like they are dishonest. When in reality it is the lab owner and upper management that spew these lies. That end up down the river and into the ears of the client. By the time the rep realizes they have been lied too by the lab. The business is gone and oh that's the reps fault. Keep on telling yourselves that. The account churn and rep churn rates at all these crappy little labs tell the story. What's that story? well let me tell you. They SUCK. The doctors and the offices don't care about what lab they use. Without a rep maintaining the relationships you might as well kiss that business goodbye. Now watch while all these lab owners try to say they are better than their comp. When in reality, you all do that same shit. The employees that add growth to theses companies are the reps. The rest of the employees just show up and do their job, get their hourly wage and go home. Reps take work home, reps grind to find new business, reps keep business. Lab owners are rats with money. Reps made your business what it is today. Any asshole with a few hundred grand and a few connections can set up a lab. So lap it up hot shots without your reps you're a dime a dozen. A hard head makes a soft ass. You can take that to the bank. Good luck, you'll need it.

You must work for a shitty lab. Reps do not drive business. Quality Lab service & honesty from labs drives business. There isn't one honest rep out there! The only thing I take to the bank is money. In business over 40 years. Reps come and go, but I am still here making a damn good living with my service and my client retention is over 98% even when reps leave. Also get 80% of my new business from client referals not reps! I am also not like other lab owners. I am actually a medical technologist that still works in my lab. Not some POS Pakistani, Indian or Russian lab that all they want is to rip off the system. My lab is also full service. I agree all tox labs suck and are a dime a dozen!

Lab owner and I still sell, you jackass! Since I own the lab, I am not a scumbag rep, but an owner that knows what he is talking about with over 40 years in the lab industry. Todays reps are lazy, know nothings that want to get paid for closing a few lousy accounts. Reps need to produce or find another line of work. I don't care how many calls a reps makes as long as they close accounts. I am still successful 35 years after I opened my lab. I highly doubt you own a lab. I bet you own a marketing company and peddle your crappy clients to dumb ass lab owners that are desperate for work. You are everything that is wrong with the lab industry. Also, my 218 employees will mourn (not morn, idiot!) when I retire or sell! Sell is more likely as the big 4 labs are beating down my door with offers.

Sure my friend. Just calm down and step into this nice padded room we have for you. One thing is for certain no rep would ever want to work for you. Everyone knows that you can't pay commission these days. It sounds like you are and that you are upset about it. You can pay reps for a few lousy accounts, no one is forcing you to pay them a lot of money, pay them a lower amount if that's all they can bring in and you can still be legal. If they go someplace else then either you were wrong about their worth or someone else is getting taken for a temporary ride till they find out that the rep isn't worth what they are paying out. Regardless there is no reason to go postal. You seem to accuse all the other reps as being scumbags but for some reason you are the only rep who knows all, is honest and works hard while every other sales rep in the lab industry needs to be taken out and shot apparently. I can just see all the reps just lining up to come work for you.

You must work for a shitty lab. Reps do not drive business. Quality Lab service & honesty from labs drives business. There isn't one honest rep out there! The only thing I take to the bank is money. In business over 40 years. Reps come and go, but I am still here making a damn good living with my service and my client retention is over 98% even when reps leave. Also get 80% of my new business from client referals not reps! I am also not like other lab owners. I am actually a medical technologist that still works in my lab. Not some POS Pakistani, Indian or Russian lab that all they want is to rip off the system. My lab is also full service. I agree all tox labs suck and are a dime a dozen!

Really?!?! Step away from your Hookah rughead.
So, fire all your reps and sit around the phone while you wait for new clients to call. After all, you run a "quality" operation in northwest bumfuk Idaho where people marry family members. Must be tough servicing all 7 accounts?

You must work for a shitty lab. Reps do not drive business. Quality Lab service & honesty from labs drives business. There isn't one honest rep out there! The only thing I take to the bank is money. In business over 40 years. Reps come and go, but I am still here making a damn good living with my service and my client retention is over 98% even when reps leave. Also get 80% of my new business from client referals not reps! I am also not like other lab owners. I am actually a medical technologist that still works in my lab. Not some POS Pakistani, Indian or Russian lab that all they want is to rip off the system. My lab is also full service. I agree all tox labs suck and are a dime a dozen!

And you don't think there are tons of labs owned by more traditional americans other than Pakistani, Indian or Russians? Yes reps come and go but it is the reps that bring new business for 80% of the labs other than LabCorp and Quest. I simply don't believe your numbers unless you are talking about some local business. You are so full of crap about there not being a single honest sales rep and I am a owner too. We take being compliant very seriously. Now that you have said you are a medical technologist it explains a lot about your hatred of reps because obviously you don't feel they deserve their compensation and only technicians should get paid the big bucks. Technicians are a dime a dozen, anyone with a brain can be trained but only certain people make good sales reps and no amount of training makes a great rep.

We are all screwed. In 2 years max, there will be 2 labs in this country L & Q. All the other large or mid-size labs will be bought up the the 2 largest labs. Hospital & small labs will be bankrupt and we will all be looking for other work. The Dems will win in November and force single payer within two years. They will use L & Q to make it seem like their is competition, but will basically divide the work up. Then in 5 years they will have a quasi public/private labs, just like Fannie & Freddie Mac. You heard it here first. Nostradamus out!

You must work for a shitty lab. Reps do not drive business. Quality Lab service & honesty from labs drives business. There isn't one honest rep out there! The only thing I take to the bank is money. In business over 40 years. Reps come and go, but I am still here making a damn good living with my service and my client retention is over 98% even when reps leave. Also get 80% of my new business from client referals not reps! I am also not like other lab owners. I am actually a medical technologist that still works in my lab. Not some POS Pakistani, Indian or Russian lab that all they want is to rip off the system. My lab is also full service. I agree all tox labs suck and are a dime a dozen!

I did past tense. Just a paranoid rich boy playing with daddy's money.

Lab owner and I still sell, you jackass! Since I own the lab, I am not a scumbag rep, but an owner that knows what he is talking about with over 40 years in the lab industry. Todays reps are lazy, know nothings that want to get paid for closing a few lousy accounts. Reps need to produce or find another line of work. I don't care how many calls a reps makes as long as they close accounts. I am still successful 35 years after I opened my lab. I highly doubt you own a lab. I bet you own a marketing company and peddle your crappy clients to dumb ass lab owners that are desperate for work. You are everything that is wrong with the lab industry. Also, my 218 employees will mourn (not morn, idiot!) when I retire or sell! Sell is more likely as the big 4 labs are beating down my door with offers.

Amazing...My wife has UH. I saw what she was billed for blood work and urinalysis. Nearly $1,800. Paid to the lab? $1,300. I’m pretty sure the crooked ass owners didn’t pay more than 5% commission, which is a ripoff. Lab owners are the biggest dirtbags. They’re killing it earning hand over fist with OON benefits to top it off. And here they are crying when a rep wants 10% on new business, I’m sure.