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Covid delta variant taking hold


Yes, even if vaccinated, there is a chance of infection- therefore we should stay in virtual mode for perpetuity. No more face to face calls, ever…just watch the morale and sales soar!

Pandemic is not over!! Vaccine efficacy rates plunge with the delta variant- source Israel study.
WHAT???? Bullshit!!! What source did you read, brainiac!!! The two mRNA vaccines are VERY effective and efficacious. And you work for a pharma company!!!! God who in the hell hired you, do you know how to read a damn article. It’s dumb-shits like YOU that should be flipping burgers, and cleaning toilets. 64% protected, 94% effective at preventing severe illness. In the beginning before these vaccines came out they would of been happy with 50% effectiveness!! Boy your are one dumb motherf*^ker…..

Spot on! How funny it is to hear all the “experts” say “follow the science” and none of them do, especially the C-Suite Big Pharma folks. The experts have certainly been consistent in how many times they’ve been proven wrong! Screw COVID, get back to living life!

Spot on! How funny it is to hear all the “experts” say “follow the science” and none of them do, especially the C-Suite Big Pharma folks. The experts have certainly been consistent in how many times they’ve been proven wrong! Screw COVID, get back to living life!
Amen, you and I are probably the only smart SOB’S out there!!!!! The rest of these candy ass are living in fear and crying to poor mommy that its too bad out there!!! Grow a pair you dickless wonders and live life, in not then put on your tampons and cry some more……

Amen, you and I are probably the only smart SOB’S out there!!!!! The rest of these candy ass are living in fear and crying to poor mommy that its too bad out there!!! Grow a pair you dickless wonders and live life, in not then put on your tampons and cry some more……
You obviously have serious anger management issues. Your posts expose you!

I think he/she is probably a racist homophobe that listens to Fox News and doesn't believe in true science. I mean Fauci has been right all along. We need more people like him to tell us how to live our lives!

Masks don’t work, two weeks to flatten the curve, wear a mask, wear two masks, vaccines won’t be available, get vaccinated, still wear a mask.

hell of a track record Fauci has there.

You obviously have serious anger management issues. Your posts expose you!
Awwwwwww did I hurt the poor babies feelings..Let me get a diaper and change your poopy self. Grow a pair of balls buddy and get your ass out there a work. Be a man, show your family what a real man like me and others do, we don’t hide behind a facade of BS, we provide for out families. Look if you need me to come over and show your wife and kids what a real man is like, just let me know!!!! I am sure she lays awake at night and dreams of a real man like me to show her the pleasantries of making love…..

Why in the hell would you wear a mask if you’re fully vaccinated? You’re protected. If you do get it, it’ll be mild at worse. The docs that have been vaccinated and are still out there wearing masks are probably your C students…get on with life for heavens sake

Even before any of the vaccines anyone under 55 had a better chance of dying from a car accident than Covid. Now with the vaccines and 75% of those over 65 being vaccinated the risk is over. People die of stuff all the time- Covid isn't going away. Masks shown to be pretty close to worthless.

Except we have to wear masks in a hospital or clinic per hospital guidelines, oh yea, and bms guidelines.
Anyone ever get the flu shot at about 50 percent effective and still get the flu? I know many people that did. They were sick and at home for a week.

Vaccines are only about 39 percent effective at preventing infection from delta variant- which is now dominant. But hey, let’s schedule that manager ride along and make our customers very uncomfortable having not one, but two extra people around. Very bad optics people

Vaccines are only about 39 percent effective at preventing infection from delta variant- which is now dominant. But hey, let’s schedule that manager ride along and make our customers very uncomfortable having not one, but two extra people around. Very bad optics people
Where are you getting your data?? Multiple studies show effectiveness against the Delta variant for the Pfizer vaccine at above 85%. Moderna was ~80%

Data from Israel specific to delta variant. 39 percent effective preventing infection. This is real world data. The way Pfizer and others categorize mild infection makes it seem like getting mild covid is no big deal and this is highly misleading- people with a mild infection can be sick for a week or two- just like a bad case of the flu.