Covid BU has potential


The Antiviral division of the Covid Business Unit has potential and now is one of the core business units with Gilead according to new NA President at our MYM.
Need some upper mgt tweaks but it looks like the account mananagement & contracting model will be the norm in all divisions by 2024

Agree the division is the model of the future with contracting, GPO pricing and discounting.
VKY has a lot of patient life left and a foundation has been built to aquire other antivirals antifungal antibiotics.
However we need a different VP & ERD who understands the IDN market and who are strategic leaders with vision. Not just Joanna kissers
That adjustment will determine how successful the division will really be.

Agree. The division makes more money than 2 of the 3 others.
The only thing holding it back is the 3 leaders at the top who really do not understand nor know their roles. It's like a 2000 Primary Care RunRun episode over over & over again!
Poor hires and at the end, your hires determine your success.
Change that the the division could soar!

Partially agree.
Yes the upper mgt of the 3 Stoogies need to be overhauled for any growth.
Launched with a great culture built with the orginal mgt team lead by Dave, however the past 11 months with new leadership the BU has done a 180.
You have heard the saying before-- a bad hire will kill your culture & crash all the good that you have built! Ditto here now as the past 11 months has destroyed the previous 2yrs!
Agree with previous comment, about 3 stooges need to go-- starting w the new 2nd line mgt stooge. 3rd line needs to go just for hiring the 2nd line trainwreck!

Launched with a great culture built with the orginal mgt team lead by Dave, however the past 11 months with new leadership the BU has done a 180.
You have heard the saying before-- a bad hire will kill your culture & crash all the good that you have built! Ditto here now as the past 11 months has destroyed the previous 2yrs!
Agree with previous comment, about 3 stooges need to go-- starting w the new 2nd line mgt stooge. 3rd line needs to go just for hiring the 2nd line trainwreck!
Agree KC single handed totally destroyed this division with wreckers poor judgement & decision making. The BU culture the first 2 yrs of fun and respectfully building with the reps has imploded the past year w KC. It is extremely beyond bad

We are going backwards. I'm not sure exactly who's fault it is. KC has something do with it but he's not the only one making decisions. MCK, Jeff Peters and K Banks are all heavily to blame. Even Phillip Lucas and the new Sales Training Manager are to blame bc they should understand what we need training on vs just jumping on board with whatever is the easy trend they're rolling out to the rest of the company. Our entire leadership is a mess. This is a HOSPITAL team. How do they not know after over 2.5 years how to run this BU? HOW are we still treated like a PCP sales force? It's not that we're saying we're too good or we're above PCP sales forces it's that it's a totally different sales environment with totally different needs in order to maximize business. They've proven over and over they DON'T listen to the needs of the field which are directly the needs of our customers. We need people with real HOSPITAL experience leading this team but politics rules the world here at Gilead even when that world is a $27 Billion Veklury world. Knowing someone and liking them here at Gilead trumps knowledge and skill. That's just the way it is. The sense of entitlement from people that have been at Gilead for years is stifling.

We are going backwards. I'm not sure exactly whose fault it is. KC has something do with it but he's not the only one making decisions. MCK, Jeff Peters and K Banks are all heavily to blame. Even Phillip Lucas and the new Sales Training Manager are to blame bc they should understand what we need training on vs just jumping on board with whatever is the easy trend they're rolling out to the rest of the company. Our entire leadership is a mess. This is a HOSPITAL team. How do they not know after over 2.5 years how to run this BU? HOW are we still treated like a PCP sales force? It's not that we're saying we're too good or we're above PCP sales forces it's that it's a totally different sales environment with totally different needs in order to maximize business. They've proven over and over they DON'T listen to the needs of the field which are directly the needs of our customers. We need people with real HOSPITAL experience leading this team but politics rules the world here at Gilead even when that world is a $27 Billion Veklury world. Knowing someone and liking them here at Gilead trumps knowledge and skill. That's just the way it is. The sense of entitlement from people that have been at Gilead for years is stifling.

The fact you think you are a legitimate hospital rep and what you do matters to your territory is a joke.

This division will be obsolete within 12 months.

The fact you think you are a legitimate hospital rep and what you do matters to your territory is a joke.

This division will be obsolete within 12 months.
Facts are before Onc & Hospital a few yrs ago, all Gilead divisions HIV HEP CV etc all were clinical base sell-- aka primary care level of calls with canned presentations of features benefits a couple minutes in front of a doctor. Hospital is 100% account management selling, you have a consultation sales model not a canned call flow w visual aids. Onc is a hybrid of both. ( I know as I was a IDN rep prior to Gilead then a Gilead HIV rep before going over to the hospital space w VKY)
The problem is the upper leadership came from those primary care clinic like models. Kevin, Michele, even Kristi on the payer side. Head trainer Philip was PC trainer at AZ for yrs. That is all they know so the account selling consultation model is foundational at best for them. Kevin is the worse and he is the one who suggests & pushing up or pushed back to Michele.... look at the first 2 yrs when we had a ERD who listened & learned our unique space that many pharma companies fo not have any longer. He seeked to understand and fought for what we needed & pushed back on micro BS.... he won many battles lost a few.
New ERD Kevin is not remotely in that universe and the past year under his & Michele leadership has been disasterious -blowing up all that was built 2 years of launch by previous leadership. 3 of 5 RDs have AM, IDN, Hospital experience so they get it & are good but hands are tied with clueless Kevin.
That's folks is the state of Covid Hospital BU now. (Will only get worse w KC & MK in charge) TIME FOR A CHANGE!

Yes the upper mgt of the 3 Stoogies need to be overhauled for any growth.
From an HIV perspective , anyone her 10+ years know Kevin & Michele. Let's just say 90% on this thread is accurate.
Kevin had no business being a RD over here in HIV let alone a ERD. His skills just do not align with leading people. He needs to be in operations doing solo work. Just a walking trainwreck trying to lead others when you can not even lead yourself!
Michele has bounced around lateral positions throughout the last 8yrs and that in itself tells you something about her level of skills as a 2nd/3rd line leader -- nice person but skills peaked at RD level.
In the past Gilead has swapped out /flip flopped ERDs between BUs so maybe that is the solution before your oral VKY is launched in Jan.