Counseling and Mental Health benefits

Go where your peers go, to the company for this and you will so regret it. There is nothing that will be kept confidential. HIPPA laws go out the window ,so proceed at your own risk. You have been forewarned. Its worth it, to not use your insurance, pay out of pocket and that way, NASTY hateful and illegal activity cannot happen. When an insurance company outs their contracted accounts nurse, you know you've got a live one junior. Look out, shes not been defanged, declawed and doesn't give a shit about you, whatsoever. Your rights and HIPPA laws? what an f in joke.

Go where your peers go, to the company for this and you will so regret it. There is nothing that will be kept confidential. HIPPA laws go out the window ,so proceed at your own risk. You have been forewarned. Its worth it, to not use your insurance, pay out of pocket and that way, NASTY hateful and illegal activity cannot happen. When an insurance company outs their contracted accounts nurse, you know you've got a live one junior. Look out, shes not been defanged, declawed and doesn't give a shit about you, whatsoever. Your rights and HIPPA laws? what an f in joke.

anyone know what this means? they know if we get counseling?

Uh, yeah, unscrupulous people can get the medical records everywhere your butt goes, from counselors to proctologists to whomever you see, sorry to inform you. There are instances of actual conversations being repeated to employers, between employees and their physicians. While your conversations with ANY one who provides care to you is protected by HIPPA laws, there are some who feel they are above the law and flagrantly demand access to conversations with physicians/counselors and any whom you have been treated by. This is against the law, but it happens, due to arrogance and stupidity.

Getting caught... is costly. Violation penalties range from $100 per violation to $1.5 million dollars. Criminal penalties, enforced if the employer knowingly commits a HIPAA violation or plans to use the data for illegal purposes, range from a $50,000 fine to imprisonment for up to 10 years. Based on internal policy, employers may choose to reprimand or terminate employees who violate HIPAA rules. There are some who should have their asses kicked, literally.

Read more anywhere on the net, about HIPPA laws and then consider, paying out of pocket and refusing to give your employers name, your SS# and any other identifying information where a skanky HR person, Employee heath person might gain access to your records, when they have no right to. It happens, believe me it absolutely happens and we aren't talking about work comp injuries, no, hell no.

If you told your manager about your health condition, then you can't claim HIPPA violation. If the company is getting information without your approval, THAT is a HIPPA violation.