Could the strong dollar kill the Valeant deal?

Now you're just grasping for straws. The strength of the dollar doesn't matter in this case and as much as you're in denial it won't change a thing. Just face a new, much harsher Valeant reality. The deal is going to close in July and at that point B&L as you know it is dead. Good luck.

I think the person asking the question was just trying to sound smarter than they really are.

This is a USD denominated transaction, being paid for in USD, funded by new USD debt issued by Valeant.

the exchange of USD to USD is always 1 to 1. Not to mention, the USD has been a little weaker for the last month or two than it was in the previous 6 months (roughly).

The only thing that might have a chance in killing the deal is a universal, global labor strike across all business groups...but that would be very difficult to organize, especially in this hyper-individualistic society.