Costs more! Same outcomes! DOESN'T MATTER!


Too late, though. Docs love it. They've bought in and now with the stapler and vessel sealer, it's all over for the dinosaurs.

What a great piece to use, to sell against INTUITIVE (egotistical bastards)
GAME OVER Boys and GIRLS.................
Hope you sold your stock...........................

MASSDEVICE ON CALL — Complication rates for women with endometrial cancer were roughly the same after standard laparoscopy and robot-assisted surgery, although the robotic procedures each cost about $1,300 more, according to a study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

The meta-analysis looked at data covering nearly 2,500 hysterectomies performed to treat endometrial cancer. About 60% of the women had robotic surgeries; the remainder had laparoscopic procedures. Among the latter, the complication rate was 9.8%, compared with 8.1% for the robot-assisted cohort – a difference study co-author Dr. Jason Wright said disappeared when factors such as race, insurance status and hospital location were taken into account.

"The bottom line is that there is really no difference in the complication rate between robotic and laparoscopic surgery, but robotic is much more expensive," Wright told Reuters Health.

Robotic operations tracked in the study cost about $10,600 on average, compared with $9,000 or so for laparoscopic surgery. Other factors pare the difference to about $1,300 per procedure, according to the news service.

Keep dreaming. This has always been the case but no one cares. The DaVinci is too integral to hosptial marketing campaigns (and capital equipment budgets) to be marginalized at this point. Enjoy selling your trocars.

Keep dreaming. This has always been the case but no one cares. The DaVinci is too integral to hosptial marketing campaigns (and capital equipment budgets) to be marginalized at this point. Enjoy selling your trocars.

Keep drinking from the company punch bowl.

Here are some scenarios:

1) What happens when you have competing hospitals right next door to each other?

2) Did the article factor in the cost of the marketing carried out by the Hospital?

3) Any CEO/CFO worth their salt will see a "bad" investment in the Davinci business model

4) Patients are becoming more and more educated and using the WED/GOOGLE for procedure information. So I am sure this article will pop up on searches

5) I am sure insurance companies will see this new data and scale back on coverage. Why would they pay more when the outcomes are identical???????

6) Sell your stock...................and find a new job because this goose is COOKED

Keep drinking from the company punch bowl.

Here are some scenarios:

1) What happens when you have competing hospitals right next door to each other?

2) Did the article factor in the cost of the marketing carried out by the Hospital?

3) Any CEO/CFO worth their salt will see a "bad" investment in the Davinci business model

4) Patients are becoming more and more educated and using the WED/GOOGLE for procedure information. So I am sure this article will pop up on searches

5) I am sure insurance companies will see this new data and scale back on coverage. Why would they pay more when the outcomes are identical???????

6) Sell your stock...................and find a new job because this goose is COOKED

Spoken like an Intuative wannabe Covidien douche....keep selling your 40 year old technology
What will your company do when it runs out of others innovation to buy....implode?

Spoken like an Intuative wannabe Covidien douche....keep selling your 40 year old technology
What will your company do when it runs out of others innovation to buy....implode?

Oh......I am sorry I touched a "NERVE"

You guys are truly getting sensitive......Well I dont blame you, because I will use this article to RUN that overpriced hallway art (DaVinci) out of EVERY hospital in my territory and you will be OUT OF A JOB. Better get your wife stripping againg..............

Arividerci............................INTUITIVE Sales People.

MacDonalds is hiring......................................

Oh......I am sorry I touched a "NERVE"

You guys are truly getting sensitive......Well I dont blame you, because I will use this article to RUN that overpriced hallway art (DaVinci) out of EVERY hospital in my territory and you will be OUT OF A JOB. Better get your wife stripping againg..............

Arividerci............................INTUITIVE Sales People.

MacDonalds is hiring......................................

Wait!! That's all you got?! One article?! What you're going to do when the adminstrator/doctor pulls out 3 dozen articles showing otherwise?! Do you think these hospitals buy Davinci for just one procdure? Hysterectomy is one of three dozen other indications for use. You are a sad and desperate person if this article is all you have. Good luck! By the way, tell your wife that she's too old to be whore!

Keep drinking from the company punch bowl.

Here are some scenarios:

1) What happens when you have competing hospitals right next door to each other?

2) Did the article factor in the cost of the marketing carried out by the Hospital?

3) Any CEO/CFO worth their salt will see a "bad" investment in the Davinci business model

4) Patients are becoming more and more educated and using the WED/GOOGLE for procedure information. So I am sure this article will pop up on searches

5) I am sure insurance companies will see this new data and scale back on coverage. Why would they pay more when the outcomes are identical???????

6) Sell your stock...................and find a new job because this goose is COOKED

Hmmm. ISRG at $492 today. What do you all have to say now SUCKAS?!?!

Hmmm. ISRG at $492 today. What do you all have to say now SUCKAS?!?!


The whole market was up.....big boy. Dont be so proud and happy.
A rising tide raises ALL BOATS.

The market was reacting to the jobs report, and the impending FB ipo.
Like I said before...SELL YOUR STOCK. Its going down from here.
Read what the institutional traders are saying about it.
Also, when every rep runs to the C-suite with that article slamming the costs of the DaVinci, you wont have a leg to stand on.

Take your profits now.......................................

Fire in the hole.

Wait!! That's all you got?! One article?! What you're going to do when the adminstrator/doctor pulls out 3 dozen articles showing otherwise?! Do you think these hospitals buy Davinci for just one procdure? Hysterectomy is one of three dozen other indications for use. You are a sad and desperate person if this article is all you have. Good luck! By the way, tell your wife that she's too old to be whore!

To quote the immortal words of TOSH.O- "I'm better than you na na a boo boo stick your head in doo doo"

Looks like someone is getting hot under that overstuffed collar of yours.
Hysterectomy??? Are you kidding me.

Thermachoice or Novasure takes care of that for you, at half the cost and zero recovery.

Thats all you got?

I see you must be in the LOWER 10% of the Sales Force.


The whole market was up.....big boy. Dont be so proud and happy.
A rising tide raises ALL BOATS.

The market was reacting to the jobs report, and the impending FB ipo.
Like I said before...SELL YOUR STOCK. Its going down from here.
Read what the institutional traders are saying about it.
Also, when every rep runs to the C-suite with that article slamming the costs of the DaVinci, you wont have a leg to stand on.

Take your profits now.......................................

Fire in the hole.

Oh...Great! Another day trader giving an advice! We been proving your kind wrong for pass 11 quarters! Oh.. and in folklore, the silver bullet is supposed to kill the monster! Wake up! and face the reality! If you sold your share and made some profite, be happy and move on! No need for hate or jealousy!

Oh...Great! Another day trader giving an advice! We been proving your kind wrong for pass 11 quarters! Oh.. and in folklore, the silver bullet is supposed to kill the monster! Wake up! and face the reality! If you sold your share and made some profite, be happy and move on! No need for hate or jealousy!

No hate and certainly NO JEALOUSY.
And Jealousy of what??? Your lousy intuitive job?
Being worked like a slave and PAID like a slave?? Nah, I will keep my killer job....and my job SECURITY. You guys cant keep good reps.......churn and burn.
Just like your stock...........
I hope you got your options at a low price..... (ya sure...)
Because it will be awhile til you can make a profit on those shares.
But hey.....keep up the good work, keep polishing your cuff-links and drinking the Kool-Aid. No will get better...really. .......just keep telling yourself that.....


Don't get too excited. This data is nothing new, it's just finally getting a little attention. I agree that, at some point, lack of remarkable outcomes will slow growth (hence the interest from Wall Street) but hospitals have bet too big on robotics to reverse course.

Although few things would please me more than seeing the daVinci in a hospital basement next to old patient beds, it ain't gonna happen. Unprecedented technology combined with unprecedented hype makes for an interesting situation though. There is only so much left in the URO and GYN pipeline to maintain the ISI share price, and getting into general surgery in a big way is going to be a lot harder than they think. Add that to the fact that would-be competitors are in overdrive and can't wait to break up the party. Forget that hospitals hate dealing with Intuitive's strong arm tactics and will run when they have the option, the very existence of competition will destroy the ridiculous margin that ISI currently enjoys on all the shwag associated with their cases, further eroding profits and shareholder value.

Hats off to the folks at Intuitive, you've done a masterful job thus far. That said, don't hurt your arm patting yourself on the back. Being #1 is pretty easy when there's nobody else in the race.

Don't get too excited. This data is nothing new, it's just finally getting a little attention. I agree that, at some point, lack of remarkable outcomes will slow growth (hence the interest from Wall Street) but hospitals have bet too big on robotics to reverse course.

Although few things would please me more than seeing the daVinci in a hospital basement next to old patient beds, it ain't gonna happen. Unprecedented technology combined with unprecedented hype makes for an interesting situation though. There is only so much left in the URO and GYN pipeline to maintain the ISI share price, and getting into general surgery in a big way is going to be a lot harder than they think. Add that to the fact that would-be competitors are in overdrive and can't wait to break up the party. Forget that hospitals hate dealing with Intuitive's strong arm tactics and will run when they have the option, the very existence of competition will destroy the ridiculous margin that ISI currently enjoys on all the shwag associated with their cases, further eroding profits and shareholder value.

Hats off to the folks at Intuitive, you've done a masterful job thus far. That said, don't hurt your arm patting yourself on the back. Being #1 is pretty easy when there's nobody else in the race.

Titan will gladly lend more than a pat on the back.

Can someone please explain to me where in this study they define their cost metrics? I'm all about saving a dollar but this is very poorly defined. From my understanding Wright and crew could not determine from the database what was included in cost at each hospital. This creates a lot of variability and seems ridiculous to discuss.

Can someone please explain to me where in this study they define their cost metrics? I'm all about saving a dollar but this is very poorly defined. From my understanding Wright and crew could not determine from the database what was included in cost at each hospital. This creates a lot of variability and seems ridiculous to discuss.

Exactly. Terrible study

Can someone please explain why certain capital managers are stepping down and going back into sales in the SW? Is it a last ditch effort to make some cash before the competition starts?