Costa Concordia


The Italian Cruise ship "Costa Concordia". English Translation = "SS Hospira."

Begley "fell in to the life boat". It had over $100 mil in it. The ship is still sinking. Thanks a lot asshole!

The Italian Cruise ship "Costa Concordia". English Translation = "SS Hospira."

Begley "fell in to the life boat". It had over $100 mil in it. The ship is still sinking. Thanks a lot asshole!

I think I saw him push a couple of elderly women down before he tripped.

Tom Werner was driving the life boat.

This company is a "manufacturer", right???

Can they fucking make shit?????!!!!!!

When you have 20 or 30 something year old MBA's with no experience building anything selling advice to a greedy c-suite eager to increase the stock price in the short term in orde to maximize their comp bad shit can and does happen.

Cap'n Shettino had a bad day at work, Cap'n Bag-Lee plotted and schemed.

The corruption covers all levels of the organization. From the lowly little scheming back stabbing kiss butts up through the SLT that helped him get the money he so badly wanted. In my opinion a large percentage of the company’s employees are corrupt in some way. I hope the money was worth corrupting your souls.