Cost of Mybetriq


I have insurance and I downloaded the coupon from your website. The cost was still $ 217!! needless to say, I did not pick up the prescription.

It appears that this company is purposely trying to ruin this product.

I'm not a rep. This drug does spare the patient from anticholinergic side effects while working pretty well. But, its 2013 sales were only about $130MM. Is it only being detailed to urologists, instead of to primary care docs?

Sounds like you haven't met your deductible or you just have shit insurance.

Hey, I wouldn't take your fu___ing product if it were free. I don't need your smart attitude concerning my insurance or anyone elses. Maybe some people might not be able to take your Vesicare because of dry mouth or constipation, but I get along just fine with Detrol LA and have very few side effects. So go spread your manure somewhere else besides here. There are choices out there, and believe me with your attitude, I'll take advantage of it.