Cost of healthcare workforce


Cost of Healthcare Workforce
What is the cost associated in a healthcare setting when the costs we are referring to are not the ones that are being billed to a patient. Also, are there ways to cut cost so there is more revenue being generated and coming in rather then it going out? I would like to discuss a few of the drivers that I believe are the most prevalent when looking at the overall cost of running a hospital, there are always more but these are my personal top three.

The first driver is cost associated with staff members, known as the overall labor costs. This is an important piece of the financial puzzle as multiple staff members require a certain salary and also how many staff members do we need per patient count. This has been an issue within healthcare but can be easily tweaked based on the type of patient we are helping. Long term requires more staff and different trained staff while rehabilitation requires less as it is short term and typically non-life threatening. It is a very expensive part of the budget for labor and one that needs to constantly be looked at and controlled.

The next cost driver is supplies that the hospital will need in order to properly function. These supplies are not always blankets and sheets, but the bigger necessary costs like specialized hospital beds, medication pumps, medications, ventilators, defibulators, and really any type of life saving equipment that has a price tag (2021). Also non-life saving equipment which would now include those sheets, blankets, food items for patients as well as food for the workers. These supplies need to be looked over and kept via inventory log as we can maintain most of these items for many years without having to order more constantly. These costs associated with supplies can sneak up quickly if not paying attention. This is a very maintainable cost.

The last cost driver, which is big and probably foreseen on many occasions is technology (May, 2021). I am not referring to the IT department per say but the cost of the technology for all the equipment that is used, the cost of internet and wireless capabilities, the cost of apps for patients to review the medical information. There are also servicing the equipment for inspections which can be an annual or bi-annual event. Technology is one thing that helps the overall flow of a hospital and without it, the labor and supply cost would most likely suffer as it would take longer and require more to get simple tasks done. This specific driver I feel is a bit out of administrator’s hands as they need it and really would be inefficient working without it. I do not feel this can be changed in the financial way too much without creating an issue that would cost more money, this is a fixed driver.

After looking at the drivers, two out of the three can be looked at and adjusted to help save more money for overall cost. They are all very important to the overall operation of the hospital and needs to be talked about often to make sure nothing slips through the cracks (2021, April).

Telehealth Implementation
What healthcare facilities are doing is evolving and there are many techniques out there that will help them with different areas of seeing patients. Due to the pandemic and the risks that it created from people from wanting to go outside, especially to a hospital or healthcare facility where many people are around, the use of this piece of technology has made things so much better for anyone that wants this option. Telehealth! This technology, although has been around for a bit starting to become more noticeable as the pandemic shifted into more worrisome individuals. The goal over the past year in a half was to keep the illness from spreading, making sure that your family and friends stay safe and out of harm’s way, but what if you needed to see a medical professional? This is where telehealth and really shined and has made it so much easier for people to get the care that they need. Another great factor about telehealth is that it is used in many different areas of medicine including dental, emergency visits, behavioral health, and general primary care physician visits. This type of technology can be implemented in so many ways to help the healthcare workforce thrive and also bring in additional revenue for those who do not want to go in person.

Telehealth I believe can be used post pandemic as well. This option protects the vulnerable from other illness and diseases and just like the masks that we all use, this will also be something that I do not see going away post pandemic. We have all learned to protect ourselves so much that the influenza numbers are very low compared to most years. The implementation of telehealth helps so much for vulnerable groups like the elderly and those with immunocompromised systems so this technology will only continue to thrive and may possibly in the future people will choose this option regardless. Certain types of medical situations may be more of a best practice to go in person, but maybe after the first visit, one can request that they are seen via telehealth because although telehealth is very convenient, the face to face interactions are typically the most important when looking at medical situations. The FCC had idea in the past to implement telehealth but it fell through at the time (2021). There are always more telehealth benefits offer patients the option to receive health care services from places like their homes (2019, April).