Corrupt organization


I'm wondering if the government couldn't use the RICO statute to put the officers of this company behind bars. This truly is a corrupt organization. Acthar is a scam. How much off label business do Ikaria and Therakos have?Everything this company does is shady!

Corrupt indeed! 34 Million dollar fine yesterday I heard (Washington Post). Over my 13+ years I saw the upper level management become absolutely horrible (I hold a degree in management and psychology). Sad especially considering it's a 160+ year old company. Several employees have filed lawsuits and they have settled out of court. It's proven they have falsified #'s, breached written company policy on severance, and even eliminated rank reports to avoid payouts.

Ha! Don't worry I have a feeling you will be rid of this "corrupt organization" very soon. SO much time to spend with "your kids" and cook for "your hard working man"! Too bad you don't appreciate what you have until you lose it.

Ha! Don't worry I have a feeling you will be rid of this "corrupt organization" very soon. SO much time to spend with "your kids" and cook for "your hard working man"! Too bad you don't appreciate what you have until you lose it.

The only thing that you are "feeling" is your head up your ass by defending this shithole. Find the chip they implanted in your sorry ass and remove it. You still have time to save your dignity.

Stop being a hypocrite! You are as corrupt as the company! If you have such a good thing going I am pretty sure you wouldn't be posting smack on here. The only people here who talk the way you do are losers who are on their way out.

It's all about keeping copies of documents and voicemails - yes that's right better start savin those voicemails. I'm telling you under the whistle blower act it is possible to be awarded roughly 23 percent of the fines that they have to pay. With the failure to use actual best price = larger settlement award for the rep.