Corporate Restructure


I have no idea how Grifols is going to tackle the problem that the majority of the people working in the corporate office have title and compensation 1 to 2 levels above what their job responsibilities and skill set actually commands in the market. This has to do with years of unnecessary promotions to keep the machine turning until Cerberus could sucker someone into buying us. You still need the people to run major parts of the business however you will have to pay them twice as much as their TRUE counterparts in the home office. Easy to get rid of our executive team but what are you going to do with all these VP’s and high level Directors who may be needed during an excruciating long transition. I am sure they are not going to agree to a pay cut. A couple years ago the HR department tried to fix this problem but people lost interest in seeing it through during the CSL merger. Now Grifols is going to have to explain to its loyal employees that they are just going to have to stomach their counterparts making a lot more money than them because Talecris management refused to do any responsible right sizing during the last 3 years of chaos. I have seen more promotions in the last year under the agreement than the two years before.

I have no idea how Grifols is going to tackle the problem that the majority of the people working in the corporate office have title and compensation 1 to 2 levels above what their job responsibilities and skill set actually commands in the market. This has to do with years of unnecessary promotions to keep the machine turning until Cerberus could sucker someone into buying us. You still need the people to run major parts of the business however you will have to pay them twice as much as their TRUE counterparts in the home office. Easy to get rid of our executive team but what are you going to do with all these VP’s and high level Directors who may be needed during an excruciating long transition. I am sure they are not going to agree to a pay cut. A couple years ago the HR department tried to fix this problem but people lost interest in seeing it through during the CSL merger. Now Grifols is going to have to explain to its loyal employees that they are just going to have to stomach their counterparts making a lot more money than them because Talecris management refused to do any responsible right sizing during the last 3 years of chaos. I have seen more promotions in the last year under the agreement than the two years before.

Grifols is not going to keep overpaying people. They will can whoever they need to or else ask for pay cuts. There are too many cooks in the kitchen in just about every division, so those people will be the first to go in any reorganization, in all likelihood.

I agree, I have seen several promotions in the last year where the person was not even given any more responsibilities. HR is sleeping on the job. This company is paying high level Chief salary for basic Indian work. I am surprised Grifols didn’t put something in the merger agreement to stop this from happening. Now they are going to have to deal with either keep paying these outrageous salaries or risk getting rid of some of the Indians that you may need. It is a mess!!!!!

Good luck trying to figure out what everyone is doing?? 90% of the people in corporate are supposedly in management yet only about 20% of them are actually managing organizations. It is not uncommon to see Talecris Org chart without branches and 4 down before you hit a manager. It is going to take 2 years to untangle this place. Those transition meetings with Directors and above should be fun, when we out number them 6 to 1.

The talecris animal farm has all the chickens coming home to roost. The sheep are being herded into seclusion, the pigs have abandoned the slop trough and the cash cattle continue to suffer the stinging charges from the finance girlyboys sporting cattle prods. The stallions are attempting to set fire to their own stables while the mares are seeking the grifols studs. And finally, the rtp peacocks are losing their plumage, their strut, and their swagger. Oh wait, these posers never found their swagger left only with their burning desire to sell their souls for something else. Know what it is ?

I have no idea how Grifols is going to tackle the problem that the majority of the people working in the corporate office have title and compensation 1 to 2 levels above what their job responsibilities and skill set actually commands in the market. This has to do with years of unnecessary promotions to keep the machine turning until Cerberus could sucker someone into buying us. You still need the people to run major parts of the business however you will have to pay them twice as much as their TRUE counterparts in the home office. Easy to get rid of our executive team but what are you going to do with all these VP’s and high level Directors who may be needed during an excruciating long transition. I am sure they are not going to agree to a pay cut. A couple years ago the HR department tried to fix this problem but people lost interest in seeing it through during the CSL merger. Now Grifols is going to have to explain to its loyal employees that they are just going to have to stomach their counterparts making a lot more money than them because Talecris management refused to do any responsible right sizing during the last 3 years of chaos. I have seen more promotions in the last year under the agreement than the two years before.

What are you talking about?Corporate has severally downsized in the past year. For one, they went from three divisions down to two without adding leadership and actually cut several including a director. The also just had several positions (notably an AD position, RTM, and corporate quality position) go vacant and have no plans to fill them. Not to mention ME's position that will as remain vacant.

You are talking out of your ass.

And that is why they are thought of as the Walmart of the plasma industry....

This seems like a smart strategy. Why pay extra to someone whose job can be done by another person for a lot less money? As long as the core employees (those actually doing work) are compensated fairly, then the high level executives don't need to be rock stars with CEO money.

From the center up on TPR side. GOOOOOOODBYE. Grifols will not keep any of them. Their talents are in meetings and going out to eat. Oh yeah telling each other how great they are. A Q in the center knows more than Diane.

What are you talking about?Corporate has severally downsized in the past year. For one, they went from three divisions down to two without adding leadership and actually cut several including a director. The also just had several positions (notably an AD position, RTM, and corporate quality position) go vacant and have no plans to fill them. Not to mention ME's position that will as remain vacant.

You are talking out of your ass.

I think they are referring to Talecris Corporate not TPR Corporate. The fact that there are “TWO CORPORATES” to get confused tells you everything you need to know about this place. This way you can say TPR corporate is downsizing when you are really just playing a shell game. For those of you unaware in the plasma sites there is another layer of corporate management on top of the TPR corporate!

Grifols has made it very clear that the deal works because of the cost savings through consolidation and elimination of redundancy by merging the two organizations. This means the highly paid Talecris employees throughout the organization will be let go. Grifols will do it their way which is with a pay scale at or below industry standards which is absolutely contrary to the Stern wall street mentality of oversized paychecks for executives. Grifols will not keep Talecris employees whose compensation far exceeds their counterparts at Grifols. This will get ugly!!

It is interesting that Talecris pays high salaries, but expects little output from their upper management. The reputation of Talecris will make it hard for the upper management to get a job after being released from Grifols..

R&D especially. No one with knowledge and self respect stay there; people that stay are the ones that have no experience or cannot go anywhere else, yet command higher titles and salaries by merely sticking around. Who would have thought "incompetence" is a virtue.....

This is not about talent ... it is about being in the right place at the right time. Stern played the private equity game and it worked. Buy the plasma business from Bayer at a low price, load the books up with debt and pay the partners big returns, do an IPO, and then sell high! Those on top who were along for the ride, even those without competence, made a ton of money. Some who were there prior to Stern's arrival such as MK and SP cannot believe the money they have made which would have never happened without the Stern/Cerberus mindset. Problem is the return to reality. Grifols is not Cerberus, and will not keep these people in place with their outrageous salaries, titles, bonuses. I hope they banked the money because the wheel of fortune is over!!