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Old Tampa rep, D. Only D, P left.

Also Shawn, Ron, Alex, Tom, DH, all gone Top 3 reps and 2 dvps. That's roughly 3k samples right there. Scuttlebutt says Castle's resources now spent trying to sue as many reps and labs as possible. One last desperate cash grab, eh Scoot?

Keep blaming all those dirty sales people for your leadership failures. My money says no new hires coming. Do the math.

You mad? This place has more leaks than a condom of a gold digger dating an NBA player!

3000 samples for 5 of the best sales people IN THE GALAXY!!!! WOW, what true pieces of shit they really are. The way they told it it was more like 5,000,000 a month.  That is really  really pitiful!!!