The purpose of this thread is to simply give Corporate a voice. After reading through the numerous posts, it is quite evident, we are all in a consensus that Castle is corrupt. We at corporate feel the exact way you all are feeling if not worst. We have to constantly walk on egg shells. In constant fear that if we speak out then we will be fired by retaliation from the regime. Yes, Steve and his minions are like a regime. Steve can walk up to you and disrespect you directly to your face. And you must take it. Who do we go to complain? Hr? We JUST found out that we now have a Director of HR. That was a complete shock. The person who they made Director of HR is Steve's right hand. We were told he was brought to Castle to help open our clinics on Dots on the Map. Guess that flopped. What we all find strange is why would he be appointed as Director of HR when we had a HR in place? This is the same person who worked with Steve to work on that God awful handbook. How do you go from unlimited PTO to two weeks? No maternity leave, jury duty, sick days and bereavement. That handbook was clearly copied and pasted from multiple handbooks. What do they think we are, stupid? clearly. We also questioned Steve's qualifications for this job. Has he ever worked as a CFO before? if so, i would be shocked. That man is the most disrespectful human being I have ever encountered. We have complained multiple times about him and nothing gets done. Try going to Cortney or Kayla. They have no real HR power. Just doing HR duties. Who really thought that "open forum" would really enact change? Scott did what he always does. Say a Patton like speech then throw money (memorial day bonus) to us. Thanks Scott! I wish i could afford to take my kids on a huge vacation just like you! We are all underpaid and unappreciated but we stayed at Castle for years because at a point, it was worth it all. Scott made us feel like he cared about us. But come on people. Scott knows what is going on. He doesn't care! This man is not dumb. The only way change will happen is if we stopped hiding behind our computers and fight.