Corporate Culture new Robert Bertolini President and Chief Financial Officer


And now another President of B&L. Face it. Changing the management at the top will not change this company. B&L has had the same middle management for years and it is the middle management that dictates the corporate culture.

Unless the new President has a plan that can change the middle management culture (not buzz words or corporate slogans or drivers) nothing will change.

Although he may only be their to manage the IPO. The CEO Saunders obviously does not have a clue on how to sell the company or manage an IPO.

He will likely work full time on the IPO. Nothing else matters at this company. The CEO is just there to look pretty and give an interview to Wallstreet and the local newspaper about how forward looking B&L is and comment on its growth potential.

Think he's there to help you?
Check out how much he made in 2009. WHOA!
Fred and bob were together the whole time at Schering together and did the merck deal together.

Fred brought him in to do this deal and make some big coin together.

Employees are suckers. These guys are corporate raiders.
CEO, CFO, PRES and warburg are the only winners in an IPO or sale.
Maybe PS and some other VPs will make some spare change on the deal too.
Employees will be handed their hats.

50 million in one year. Holy Crap. Expect that he will take no prisoners in getting the absolute max out of this company. At this salary if B+L does not IPO by the end of the year WP would be the biggest sucker in the history of private equity. Salaries alone have taken WP for at least 1 billion in salaries to corporate executives over the last 5 years.

Think he's there to help you?
Check out how much he made in 2009. WHOA!
Fred and bob were together the whole time at Schering together and did the merck deal together.

Fred brought him in to do this deal and make some big coin together.

Employees are suckers. These guys are corporate raiders.
CEO, CFO, PRES and warburg are the only winners in an IPO or sale.
Maybe PS and some other VPs will make some spare change on the deal too.
Employees will be handed their hats.

As a former S/P person, hold on to your tailcoats~it is going to get rough real quick. They will spin the 'turnaround' but cut benefits (telling you that it is your sense of entitlement) to save money. Improving the margins allows them to sell the story for the IPO~~then they raid the profits for themselves.

If you're impressed by Bertolini's cash, Fast Freddie got over $250M for the sale of S/P.

Get your personal accounts in order, layoffs around the corner.

I have nothing against a CEO who started a company builds it up and takes it public like Facebook and makes a fortune. But for a person that comes in as an employee and gets the top job and cashes out like these people while laying off the masses is just criminal. B&L is private so they can do what they want but a public company like schering that gave out all that stock to top execs is just stealing from other shareholders by diluting their share.

How many times have you heard lame leaders say, "past behavior is a predictor for future behavior". Well if that's the case get ready for the suck because leading up to the Schering merck merger fred and bob instituted the infamous PTP. cost cutting, ie, cutbacks and layoffs.

B&L has a ton of fat and Bob's M.O. is to cut cut cut and cut some more. Budgets whacked. Reps cut, managers cut. Bad news peeps. Bad news.

This is not their first rodeo. This is mapped out to the T.

T is for toast in this case. Sorry but that's the deal. Been there done that.

How many times have you heard lame leaders say, "past behavior is a predictor for future behavior". Well if that's the case get ready for the suck because leading up to the Schering merck merger fred and bob instituted the infamous PTP. cost cutting, ie, cutbacks and layoffs.

B&L has a ton of fat and Bob's M.O. is to cut cut cut and cut some more. Budgets whacked. Reps cut, managers cut. Bad news peeps. Bad news.

This is not their first rodeo. This is mapped out to the T.

T is for toast in this case. Sorry but that's the deal. Been there done that.

BTW: it wasn't just S/P that Fast Freddie did this~his history goes back to Pharmacia.
But, then again, don't take it personally, it is just business. True venture capitalism at its best.
